Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To replace the current non-chargeable household garden waste collection service and provide a Garden Waste Subscription Service that protects garden waste services for those residents who wish to use it. The proposed service would start from April 2024.
Currently the cost of garden waste collection is distributed among all taxpayers, through funding diverted from other services, regardless of their usage or benefit. By directly charging for this service, a system where those who actively utilise the service contribute to its funding will be established.
Completely removing the service would result in residents having to travel to local recycling centres at greater financial and environmental cost, which some residents may prefer to do rather than subscribing to the Garden Waste Subscription Service.
The proposal for charging a subscription for the service is driven by the financial requirement to maintain a balanced budget and to set a sustainable Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).
Huntingdonshire District Council already operates a chargeable garden waste subscription collection service that facilitates households paying for up to three additional garden waste bins.
The Cabinet have
a) noted the risks associated with the proposal, both financially and reputationally, that have been highlighted within the report that may arise through emerging national waste policies and guidance, and changes to Cambridgeshire County Council’s Waste Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Contract which require approval from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
b) agreed to the introduction of a household garden waste subscription service from 1st April 2024, as set out within the service terms and conditions attached as Appendix 2 of the report;
c) agreed to changes to the Waste Collection Policies, relating to the introduction of the chargeable subscription household garden waste service as set out in Appendix 2 of the report;
d) agreed that for 2024/25 the annual collection charge be set at £57.50 per first bin and authorise the Executive Councillor for Corporate and Shared Services in consultation with the Managing Director to review and confirm the currently proposed £30 for each additional bin to the maximum of 4 bins;
e) agreed to use the revenue generated by the chargeable subscription household garden waste service to fund the start-up project costs including service redesign, temporary staff resource, website redesign and implementation of associated IT systems (as set out in the financial model Table 3);
f) agreed that the existing non-chargeable household garden waste collection service will cease from 31 March 2024. Arrangements will be made during Q2 FY 2024/25 to collect any bins from households that do not wish to subscribe and wish to return them;
g) agreed to implement a robust communications campaign and incentivisation scheme to encourage subscription sign-ups and promote behaviour change for our residents in waste minimisation; and
h) agreed to complete a review of the impact of the introduction of a household waste subscription service on lower income residents.
As detailed within the report.
As detailed within the report.
Costs in the first year will be higher as a result of set up costs including service redesign, temporary staff resources, website redesign, legal costs, back-office systems and also resources required to recover and recycle any returned unused wheeled bins. These one-off costs are estimated to be up to £850k.
Costs to the County’s Waste PFI Contract have also been highlighted as an impact to the Cambridgeshire taxpayers and also implications to this Council as a direct result of this proposal.
Report author: Liz Smith
Publication date: 21/07/2023
Date of decision: 18/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 29/07/2023
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