Decision Maker: Licensing Sub-Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To grant the license with the revised timings as previously agreed between the applicant and Cambridgeshire Constabulary, together with the additional conditions to the current licence as follows;
1. At all times, sufficient SIA security staff shall be employed at the premises to ensure the promotion of the licensing objectives. This will be documented in a dynamic written risk assessment, which will bemade available to a policeofficer or authorised officer ofa responsible authority upon request. In any case whilst licensable activities are taking place on a Friday, Saturday (and days prior to a Bank Holiday) a minimum of 2 SIA registered persons shall be employed between the hours of 20:00hrs and closing time;
2. When SIA staff are on duty at least one, shall will wear a Body Worn Video camera. Footage shall beretained as inline with theCCTV requirement;
3. No entry or re-entry to customers after 2 hours prior to closing time;
4. Nocustomer will bepermitted toleave thepremises withglass receptacles;
5. Havea writtendrugs policy;
6. Havea writtenentry policy;
7. Havea writtenmanaged dispersalpolicy;
8. Havea managedsmoking areain operationfrom 1800to closing,daily;
9. The manager will join the HBAC/Pub watch scheme to include the use of a HBAC radio. This includes support of its agreed banning policy and attending meetings; personally, or by sending an authorised representative of the venue. The condition is only binding whilst the HBAC/Pub watch scheme is in existence;
10. Allcustomer facingstaff willbe givenrelevant trainingon conflictmanagement resolution, welfare and vulnerability,including 'Askfor Angela' safetyinitiative;
11. Toconduct a full outside area litter sweep around the premises, after closing time daily, with litter arising tobe bagged for collection, or placed into the premise's commercial bins, and
12. Toensure thatthe outsidearea around thepremises isleft ina cleanand tidycondition.
To grant the license with the revised timings as previously agreed between the applicant and Cambridgeshire Constabulary, together with the additional conditions to the current licence as follows;
1. At all times, sufficient SIA security staff shall be employed at the premises to ensure the promotion of the licensing objectives. This will be documented in a dynamic written risk assessment, which will bemade available to a policeofficer or authorised officer of a responsible authority upon request. In any case whilst licensable activities are taking place on a Friday, Saturday (and days prior to a Bank Holiday) a minimum of 2 SIA registered persons shall be employed between the hours of 20:00hrs and closing time;
2. When SIA staff are on duty at least one, shall will wear a Body Worn Video camera. Footage shall beretained as inline with theCCTV requirement;
3. No entry or re-entry to customers after 2 hours prior to closing time;
4. Nocustomer will bepermitted toleave thepremises withglass receptacles;
5. Havea writtendrugs policy;
6. Havea writtenentry policy;
7. Havea writtenmanaged dispersalpolicy;
8. Havea managedsmoking areain operationfrom 1800to closing,daily;
9. The manager will join the HBAC/Pub watch scheme to include the use of a HBAC radio. This includes support of its agreed banning policy and attending meetings; personally, or by sending an authorised representative of the venue. The condition is only binding whilst the HBAC/Pub watch scheme is in existence;
10. Allcustomer facingstaff willbe givenrelevant trainingon conflictmanagement resolution, welfare and vulnerability,including 'Askfor Angela' safetyinitiative;
11. Toconduct a full outside area litter sweep around thepremises, after closing time daily, with litter arising tobe bagged for collection, or placed into the premise's commercial bins, and
12. Toensure thatthe outsidearea around thepremises isleft ina cleanand tidycondition.
On consideration of all the representations made by both the Applicant’s agent, and those opposed to the Application, that the agreed and reduced amended hours, together with the additional conditions to be added to the licence should be sufficient to ensure that the Premises operates within the law.
It is noted that should there be any tangible evidence provided in due course of any breaches of conditions, or the breaking of the law, then naturally the licence may at any time be reviewed, leading to any subsequent sanction which may be deemed appropriate as a result.
Use of the highway and other private property is not a matter which can be considered by the licensing authority.
The Application setting a precedent was beyond the scope of the Committee to consider as it is not a licensing objective.
The Application is lawful, and complies with the statutory requirements.
The police made no formal representation, but through meeting with the Applicant, the Applicant agreed to reduced hours for alcohol and music, together with other new conditions as shown below.
No CCTV of alleged incidents was provided.
Alleged ASB was anecdotal in the main, albeit an interested party stated that he had personally witnessed public urination on the Museum forecourt, however that could not be evidentially attributable to the Applicant’s premises.
It was noted that no residents in the immediate vicinity had made any representations and that it was businesses and the Museum who had made representations and that the majority of their commercial activities ceased by 1800 each day, save for evening activities which may arise in the Museum.
Frank Fender, as agent for the Applicant
2 Interested Parties.
Publication date: 06/10/2023
Date of decision: 06/10/2023
Decided at meeting: 06/10/2023 - Licensing Sub-Committee
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