Decision Maker: Licensing Sub-Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Having listened to all the
evidence and considered the above the Members determined to
SUSPEND the Premises Licence for a period of three (3)
months and to modify the conditions of the Premises
Our decision is as follows:-:
Having listened to all the
evidence and considered the above the Members determined to
SUSPEND the Premises Licence for a period of three (3)
months and to modify the conditions of the Premises
Our reasons for reaching the decision are as follows:
In terms of Members’
options. Clearly, it would not be appropriate and proportionate
- Take no action at all – the Licensing Authority takes
illegal working particularly seriously in-line with the Section 182
- Exclude a Licensable Activity – this would have had no
- Remove the DPS – the DPS at the time of the illegal
working had already been replaced and the Committee did not think
it would be appropriate to remove the current DPS pending the sale
of the business.
- Revoke the Licence – Members seriously considered revoking
the Premises Licence however, Members noted that the Applicant for
Review (the Home Office) indicated that having heard all the
evidence, they would support a suspension of the Premises Licence
pending the sale of the business coupled with the imposition of
robust conditions regarding illegal working to enable future
checking and monitoring to take place.
Accordingly, Members decided
Suspend the Premises Licence for a period of three
(3) months – Members wish to be clear to the outgoing,
current, and any prospective Premises Licence Holders that illegal
working is against the law, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated
in Huntingdonshire. Members imposed the maximum suspension
available to them to send a clear message to all of the above, that
should further illegal working be discovered at this Premises,
revocation will almost certainly result.
To add a series of conditions to the Premises
Licence dealing with the genesis of the review, namely illegal
working permitted by management – Members felt that it was
appropriate and proportionate to add these conditions to promote
the Licensing Objective of the Prevention of Crime and Disorder and
to ensure that the Premises Licence Holder and any future Premises
Licence Holders conduct robust right to work checks with
appropriate recording of those checks. The Members also imposed a
condition, suggested by the Respondent, that neither M Shohid or A
Shohid will have any future involvement or say in the
We did not consider the following matters to be relevant::
- The specific circumstances of each individuals’ right to
work – it was accepted that illegal working had taken
- Mr
M Shohid’s personal circumstances – these were not
relevant to the Licensing Objectives.
- Mr
A Shohid’s personal circumstances – these were not
relevant to the Licensing Objectives.
- The commercial interests of the former and current Premises
Licence Holder – these were not relevant to the Licensing
We found the following facts::
- That illegal had taken place at the Premises – this was
accepted by the Respondent.
- That there was little to no management control of the Premises
by either M Shohid or A Shohid.
- That conducting right to work checks is an easy process –
this was outlined by the Applicant and the Respondent apologised
that this had not happened.
- That the Premises is in the process of being sold to a Mr Rahman
with the sale being contingent on a Premises Licence existing for
the Premises – this was confirmed by the Respondent in
- That completion of the sale (by way of assignation of the lease)
is due to take place on or around 10 September 2024.
- That Mr Aahil will manage the Premises up to the point of sale,
at which time an entirely new management team and staff will take
over the operation of the Premises.
- That Mr Rahman will be making an application to transfer the
Premises Licence and to vary the Designated Premises Supervisor
upon completion.
We heard representations from the following persons:
The Applicant – Mr Wootton (Home
The Respondant (Premises Licence Holder)
– Mr Rankin (Counsel), the Premises Licence Holder and the
Son of the Previous Licence Holder.
Publication date: 22/08/2024
Date of decision: 21/08/2024
Decided at meeting: 21/08/2024 - Licensing Sub-Committee
Accompanying Documents: