To consider a report by the Head of Environment and Transport and the recommendations of the District Council Headquarters and Members Accommodation Advisory Group on the release of funding in the MTP for a feasibility study of the options for the District Council’s headquarters and depot accommodation and the appointment of consultants to undertake the study.
Contact: R Preston 388340
The Cabinet has approved the release of £75,000 from the MTP for a feasibility study of the options for the District Councils headquarters and depot accommodation and approved the acceptance of the tender submitted by Lambert Smith Hampton.
Further to Minute No 03/133 and by way of a report by the Head of Environment and Transport (a copy of which is appended in the annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet were apprised of the outcome of the tendering process for the appointment of consultants to undertake a detailed feasibility study of options for the District Council’s headquarters and depot accommodation. Having considered the appraisal mechanism by which tenders were evaluated, it was
a) that £75,00 be released for the feasibility study from the Medium Term Plan;
b) that Lambert Smith Hampton be appointed as consultants to undertake the study; and
c) that the future programme for the completion of the feasibility study as set out in paragraph 4 of the report now submitted be noted.