Additional documents:
Councillor D P Holley, Leader and Chairman of the Cabinet presented the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 16th December 2004, 13th January and 3rd February 2005.
In connection with Item No. 114 and in response to a question from Councillor J A Gray regarding the potential for action to be taken against householders for misuse of the wheeled bin refuse system, the Leader replied that since its inception there had been relatively few incidents of misuse. However, where this occurred efforts would be made to resolve problems with households by personal visits and other advice on recycling options.
In connection with Item No. 116 and in response to a question from Councillor T D Sanderson, the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy reported that the decision to defer the funding of an affordable housing scheme at Parkway, Huntingdon would be reconsidered in conjunction with the Medium Term Plan once it became clear that the scheme would proceed.
In connection with Item No. 117, it was noted that the recommendations had previously been considered under Minute Nos. 46 and 47 ante.
Upon being put to the vote, the recommendations contained in Item No. 118 were declared to be CARRIED.
(Councillors J A P Eddy and A Hansard declared personal interests in Item No. 120 by virtue of their membership of the Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee and Councillor Mrs S J Vanbergen declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the meeting for the same Item.)
In connection with Item No. 123 and in response to a question from Councillor P G Mitchell, the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy confirmed that the Chequers Court Urban Design Framework had been adopted, following amendment, as Interim Planning Guidance.
In connection with Item No. 125 and in response to a question from Councillor Mrs S A Menczer regarding the promotion by the District Council’s Leisure Centres of sunbeds as part of the Impressions range of health suite facilities, the Leader reminded the Council that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery and Resources) had recently conducted a review on the use of sun beds and had concluded that they were being appropriately managed by the Leisure Centres within a strict operating criteria.
Whereupon, it was
that, subject to the foregoing paragraphs, the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 16th December 2004, 13th January and 3rd February 2005 be received and adopted.
Councillor D P Holley, Leader and Chairman of the Cabinet presented the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 4th December 2003 and 8th and 29th January 2004.
In connection with Item No 102, it was noted that the recommendations had previously been considered under Minute Nos 57 and 58 ante.
In connection with Item No 106 and in response to questions from Councillors Looker and Mrs Wagstaffe, the Executive Councillor for Housing Strategy, Councillor Bates replied that as St Neots Town Council had assumed responsibility for the maintenance and cleansing of the public conveniences in that town, the Public Conveniences Advisory Group had taken the view that the opportunity to do likewise should also be offered to the other Town Councils in the District and that the Executive Councillor for Service Delivery would look into the possibility of an earlier opening of the public conveniences in Ramsey on market day.
In connection with Item No 112 and in response to a question by Councillor Downes, the Leader confirmed that the “changes” and not “charges” in the last line of the paragraph would take effect from 1st April 2004.
In connection with Item No 114 and in response to a question by Councillor Powell, the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy, Councillor Guyatt confirmed that the charging proposals for market town car parks would not be implemented until the results of the survey of Council Tax payers on the delivery of Council services was known.
(Councillor I C Bates, R L Clarke, P J Downes, J A P Eddy and A Hansard declared a personal interest in the following item in their capacity as Members of Cambridgeshire County Council).
In connection with Item No 122 and in response to a question by Councillor Downes, the Leader reminded the Council, by reference to extracts from a letter from the Secretary of State, of the recommendations of the Cambridge to Huntingdon Multi Modial Study and the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy, Councillor Guyatt explained that discussions were on-going with the County Council to overcome major issues of concern to the District Council in respect of the development of the Cambridgeshire Guided Bus scheme.
Whereupon, it was
that, subject to the foregoing paragraphs, the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 4th December 2003 and 8th and 29th January 2004 be received and adopted.