To consider a report by the Chief Officers’ Management Team.
Additional documents:
(The Chairman announced that he proposed to allow consideration of the following item as a matter of urgency in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 in view of the need for an early decision on the Council’s participation in the project.)
(Councillor D A Giles declared a personal interest in the following item in view of his employers’ client relationship with the Huntingdonshire Primary Care Trust, remained in the meeting but did not participate in the discussion nor vote thereon.)
Referring to a report by the Chief Officers’ Management Team (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Leader updated Members on the current position with regard to the development of the Acorn Community Health Centre at Sapley Square, Huntingdon.
The Council were advised that since an earlier decision to develop and fund the proposed Centre (Minute No. 84 refers), representatives of the Doctors’ Practice had received an alternative offer of funding and had decided to proceed with the development of the scheme without the involvement of the District Council. More recently, however, the Primary Care Trust had indicated their preference for the District Council to lead and fund the project. It was envisaged that the Council as developers would, lease the building to the PCT who would in turn, grant a sub-lease to the Doctors’ Practice.
Having been advised of the implications of the District Council’s renewed involvement in the project, assured that a full risk assessment would be undertaken to safeguard the Council’s interests and having been reminded of the importance of the scheme to the improvement of health care on Oxmoor, it was
(a)that the Council’s willingness to fund and/or develop the proposed new health centre in the light of the changes outlined and subject to the conditions highlighted in paragraph 4.7 of the report now submitted be confirmed; and
(b)that the Cabinet be authorised to determine whether the procurement which has taken place or which is underway is sufficiently robust for the Council to take over the resulting contracts and/or ongoing processes.