To consider a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery and Resources) following its study on the use of sun beds.
Contact: A Roberts 388009
That the continued provision of sunbeds at the joint provision Leisure Centres in the District in an environment where national guidance on health and safety are strictly adhered to be endorsed.
That the Leisure Centres Management Committees be requested to consider providing alternative facilities to sunbeds as they cease to be financially viable.
That the question of smoking at Leisure Centres be referred for consideration at the Leisure Centres Joint Chairmens’ meeting and a subsequent report submitted to the Cabinet in due course.
The Cabinet considered a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery and Resources) on the outcome of a study on the use of sunbeds at the jointly provided Leisure Centres in the District (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book). The Panel had received representations from Huntingdonshire PCT’s Director of Public Health, as well as the Executive Councillor for Leisure and relevant officers, as a result of which the Panel had concluded -
¨ that they were satisfied with the current health and safety policy for the use of sunbeds at the Leisure Centres;
¨ that, on balance, and in order to provide the public with high quality facilities, they did not consider that sunbeds should be withdrawn from the Leisure Centres;
¨ that, in the light of increasing public awareness of the dangers of sunbeds and the associated decline in their usage, and in advance of them ceasing to be financially viable, consideration should be give to replacing the sunbeds with other uses; and
¨ that consideration should be given to prohibiting smoking in all Council owned or operated public premises.
Following consideration, the Cabinet
(a)that the continued provision of sunbeds at the joint provision Leisure Centres in the District in an environment where national guidance on health and safety are strictly adhered to be endorsed;
(b)that the Leisure Centres Management Committees be requested to consider providing alternative facilities to sunbeds as they cease to be financially viable; and
(c)that the question of smoking at Leisure Centres be referred for consideration at the Leisure Centres Joint Chairmens’ meeting and a subsequent report submitted to the Cabinet in due course.