81 Huntingdon Riverside Project PDF 27 KB
To consider a joint report by the Estates & Property Manager, Head of Community Services and Planning Policy Manager outlining the Consultant’s proposals for the development of the Riverside Park area.
Contact: K Phillips 388260 P Jones 388202 R Probyn 388430
Agreed to support the principle of the preferred solution for the development of the Riverside Park area and authorised officers to prepare a programme of action for the work and the exploration of funding sources, including opportunities for securing private sector funding where appropriate.
Further to Minute No. 02/221 and with the assistance of a joint report by the Estates and Property Manager, Head of Community Services and Planning Policy Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the outcome of a report by consultants on proposals for the development of the Riverside Park, Huntingdon. Having noted the significance of the local transport strategy in the context of paragraph 3.3.3 and that the bus route along the length of Hartford Road in questioned would not be “guided”, Executive Councillors emphasised their expectations that, substantially, funding of the order envisaged would need to be sought from sources other than the District Council if the project was to proceed. In the meantime, it was
(a)that the principle of the preferred solution for the development of the Riverside Park as outlined in the report now submitted; and
(b)that a programme be prepared for the work outlined in the report and the potential funding sources explored, to include opportunities for securing private sector funding where appropriate.