To consider a report by the Head of Planning Services setting out the significant elements of the East of England Plan and seeking approval for the content of representations to be made to the Regional Assembly.
Contact: Ms C Bond 388435
Subject to endorsement by full Council, the Cabinet agreed that representations be made to made to the Regional Assembly to reflect the points detailed in the report as submitted and that specific mention be made to the absence of a reference to the Fens, Broads and other wetland areas in the Eastern Region and also to the need for future investigations in relation to any potential future development of Alconbury airfield.
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute book) the Cabinet was acquainted with the significant elements of the East of England Plan issued for consultation in December 2004 and the content of suggested representations to the Regional Assembly.
Having noted that the recommendations of the Cabinet would need to be endorsed by Council at their meeting on 13th April 2005, it was
that full Council be invited to authorise the submission of representations to the Regional Assembly based on the points raised in Chapter 4 of the report now submitted and that specific mention be made of the absence of a reference in the document to the Fens, Broads and other wetland areas in the Eastern Region and also to the need for further investigations in relation to any potential future development of Alconbury Airfield.