71 Huntingdonshire Big Gig PDF 26 KB
With the assistance of a report by the Art Services Manager, to consider options for the future of the Huntingdonshire Big Gig.
Contact: P Jones 388202
Agreed that no future Big Gig events be organised by the District Council.
Arising from the absence of funding in the Medium Term Plan for a “Big Gig project” consideration was given to a report by the Arts Services Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) setting out alternatives either not to proceed with the event or to organise a ticketed event in 2007 underwritten by the District Council.
Having considered information contained in the report, the financial pressures which would need to be addressed by the Council in the near future, the risks associated with underwriting an event of this nature and views expressed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery and Resources) on the matter, the Cabinet
that no future Big Gig events be organised by the District Council.