By way of a report by the Director of Operational Services to consider the output specifications proposed for the Council’s future office and other accommodation requirements.
Contact: R Preston 388340
Additional documents:
Noted the development by the Chief Executive of the tender evaluation criteria based on the attributes, and their order, detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report of the Director of Operational Services;
approved the Employer’s requirements reproduced at Annex B;
approved the invitation of tenders which provide opportunities for tenderers to propose payment arrangements including a single payment at the completion of all premises;
agreed to the imposition of a three month period subsequent to the award of contract to conclude a development agreement;
authorised the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, to determine the timing of land transfers within the development agreement and the final space requirement; and
agreed to the release of £200,000 referred to in MTP 300 - Pathfinder House Improvements and One Stop Shop.
The Cabinet received the report of the meeting of the District Council Headquarters and Other Office Accommodation Members Advisory Group held on the 31st May 2005 (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) and considered the Group’s recommendations in relation to the outward specifications proposed for the Council’s future office and other accommodation requirements.
Having also been acquainted with the outcomes of discussions by the Overview and Scrutiny Panels on the matter, the Cabinet
(a) that proposals by the Chief Executive to develop the tender evaluation criteria based on the attributes, and their order, detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report of the Director of Operational Services appended to the report of the Advisory Group, be noted;
(b) that the Employer’s requirements reproduced at Annex B to the report now submitted, be approved;
(c) that the invitation of tenders which provide opportunities for tenderers to propose payment arrangements including a single payment at the completion of all premises, be approved;
(d) that the imposition of a three month period subsequent to the award of contract to conclude a development agreement be approved;
(e) that the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to determine the timing of land transfers within the development agreement;
(f) that the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader of the Council, be authorised to determine the final space requirement; and
(g) that the release of £200,000 from the Medium Term Plan, Item 300 - Pathfinder House Improvements and One Stop Shop be approved.