66 Street Naming and Numbering - Service Standards PDF 17 KB
To consider a report by the Project and Assets Manager on the outcome of a survey reviewing the standard of existing street name plates in Huntingdonshire.
Contact: C Allen 388380
reviewed progress of the asset survey on street nameplates and the repair of damaged plates from existing budgets , agreed, subject to the agreement of the relevant Parish Council, that action be undertaken to resolve the problems of inconsistent names between common use and the National Street Gazetteer; and retained the Council’s existing policy of not numbering properties in villages were established practices is for households to provide house names
By way of a report by the Head of Environment and Transport (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the outcome of an asset survey reviewing the standard of existing street name plates and numbering in Huntingdonshire.
In so doing, Members were advised of the problems and anomalies arising from street names and, particularly – rural areas and the National Street Gazetteer. Having been advised that the existing policy of not numbering all properties in the District had not resulted in a problem for the emergency services or the Local Land Property Gazetteer, the Cabinet
(a) that the progress of the asset survey and the repair of damaged plates from existing budgets be noted;
(b) that, subject to the agreement of the relevant Parish Councils, action be undertaken to resolve the problems of inconsistent street naming;and
(c) that the existing policy of not numbering properties in villages were established practices for households to provide house names be retained.