15 A14 Huntingdon To Cambridge - Proposed 60mph speed limit PDF 12 KB
To consider a report by the Director of Operational Services (the Chairman agreed to the admission of this matter to the agenda as an urgent item of business).
Contact: Mrs E Wilson 388301
The Cabinet supported a proposal by the Highways Agency to introduce a 60mph speed limit on the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge for a trial period. However, the Cabinet indicated their preference in the long term for variable speed limits together with SPECs cameras on this section of the A14 which should be strategically placed in the vicinity of the junctions.
(The Chairman announced that he proposed to admit the following urgent item in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972 given the need for the Council to respond to a proposal from the Highways Agency by a deadline of 8th June 2005 which fell in advance of the date for the next meeting of the Cabinet.)
A report by the Director of Operational Services was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) drawing the Cabinet’s attention to a proposal by the Highways Agency to introduce a permanent 60 mph speed limit on the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge.
The Cabinet indicated their preference in the long term for variable speed limits together with SPECs cameras on the section of the A14 from the north west of the Spittals interchange to east of the Histon roundabout to be strategically placed in the vicinity of road junctions. Having also noted emerging proposals by the Highways Agency for the introduction of a permanent 40mph speed limit at the A14/141 Spittals interchange together with the installation of traffic signals, the Cabinet
that a proposal by the Highway Agency to introduce a 60mph speed limit on the A14 between Huntingdon and Cambridge be supported for a trial period.