77 Headquarters and Other Accommodation - Initial Tender Evaluation
By way of a report by the Director of Operational Services to consider the Initial Tender Evaluation for the Council’s future office and other accommodation requirements.
Contact: Mrs E Wilson 388301
Noted the outcome of the initial evaluation of tenders for the Council’s future office and accommodation requirements;
Recommended to full Council that the tenders from the two companies referred to in paragraph 5.5 of the report be included in the final evaluation;
subject to the above, authorised the Chief Executive to notify the remaining unsuccessful company that their bid would not be given further consideration;
authorised the Director of Operational Services, after consultation with the Deputy Leader, to agree payments as necessary, but not exceeding £20,000, to each of two companies to support the presentation of more detailed information; and
agreed that the final decision on the proposed awarding of a contract and consequential changes to the Medium Term Plan be made by full Council at the meeting on 7th December 2005.
Further to Minute No.05/56 and with the assistance of a report by the Director of Operational Services (a copy of which is appended in the annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the initial evaluation of three tenders for the Council’s future office and other accommodation requirements.
Having considered the deliberations of the Office Accommodation Members Advisory Group and Overview and Scrutiny Panels on the matter, the Cabinet
(a) that the outcome of the initial evaluation of tenders for the Council’s future office and accommodation requirements be noted;
(b) that Council be recommended to include tenders from the two companies referred to in paragraph 5.5 of the report in the final evaluation;
(c) that, subject to (b) above, the Chief Executive be authorised to notify the remaining unsuccessful company that their bid will not be given further consideration;
(d) that the Director of Operational Services, after consultation with the Deputy Leader, be authorised to agree payments as necessary, but not exceeding £20,000, to each of the two companies referred to in (b) above to support the presentation of more detailed information; and
(e) that a final decision on the proposed awarding of a contract and consequential changes to the Medium Term Plan be taken by full Council at the meeting on 7th December 2005.