To consider a report by the Leisure Centres’ Co-ordinator requesting the Cabinet to release additional funds for a scheme to extend facilities at Sawtry Leisure Centre.
Contact: S Bell 388049
Additional documents:
Agreed to release £749,000 of capital funding for the extension of facilities at Sawtry Leisure Centre and approved a transfer of £59,000 from the Leisure’s Capital Programme to fund a shortfall in the scheme and agreed to an additional supplementary capital estimate of £160,000 towards the cost of fitness equipment. Also noted a reduction in net revenue costs for the scheme over the next 8 years.
By way of a report by the Leisure Centres Co-ordinator (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered a request for the release of funding from the Medium Term Plan and a supplementary capital estimate to fund an extension to facilities at Sawtry Leisure Centre.
Members were advised that the figure quoted in paragraph 2.1 of the report as representing the level of deficit on capital expenditure should have read £59k instead of £54k. Having also been informed that the bid submission to Sport England for £206k, around 26% of the overall anticipated total cost of the scheme, had been successful, the Cabinet
(a) that a transfer of £59,000 from the Leisure’s Capital Programme be approved to fund the scheme’s capital expenditure shortfall;
(b) that a request for an additional supplementary capital estimate of £160,000 in respect of the acquisition of fitness equipment be approved;
(c) that the reduction in net revenue costs for the scheme, as detailed in paragraph 2.3 of the report, be noted; and
(d) that the release of £749,000 of capital funding for the extension of facilities at Sawtry Leisure Centre be approved.