To consider a report by the Head of Administration regarding the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003.
Contact: R Reeves 388003
noted progress in implementing the Licensing Act 2003 and approved.the preparation of a Medium Term Plan bid in respect of the estimated additional income and the cost of making permanent the existing temporary posts CN070 and CN076 in the Licensing Section.
Further to Minute No.03/70 and by way of a report by the Head of Administration (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with progress in implementing the Licensing Act 2003. Members were reminded that the Act had abolished several existing licensing regimes administered by the licensing justices and district councils and replaced them with a new licensing regime administered by the District Council for the supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment. Members were advised that the transfer had been successfully completed with over 550 applications for premises licences and club premises certificates and 600 applications for personal licences being received by the end of October 2005.
Members were reminded that two additional members of staff had been employed on temporary two year contracts in the Central Services Licensing Section to deal with the associated workload and an assessment was given of anticipated income levels and the ongoing work required in administering and enforcing the Act. In addition it was reported that the Government had now announced that the Gambling Act 2005 would be implemented with effect from September 2007 which would transfer further licensing responsibilities to the Council. Under the circumstances it was
(a) that progress on implementation of the Licensing Act 2003 be noted; and
(b) that the preparation of a Medium Term Plan bid in respect of the estimated additional income and the cost of making permanent the existing temporary posts CN070 and CN076 in the Licensing Section be approved.