To consider a report by the Head of Housing Services on the outcome of a contaminated land survey of the Council’s mobile home park at Eynesbury, St Neots.
Contact: S Plant 388240
Noted the content of the report, the formal determination of the land as “contaminated land” and approved a supplementary estimate of £35,000 for the appointment of consultants to prepare a remediation statement.
Further to Minute No.95 and by way of a report by the Head of Housing Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the findings of a Contaminated Land Survey of the Council’s Mobile Home Park at Eynesbury.
In considering the information in the report, Members were advised of the circumstances in which the site had been declared as contaminated resulting in a requirement to commission a remediation statement an estimated cost of £35,000. It was proposed to seek Government funding from the Contaminated Land Capital Projects Programme, but in the event of the bid being unsuccessful it was reported that the revenue impact to the Council would turnout to £2,000 pa. In the meantime, the Cabinet
(a) that the content of the report be noted; and
(b) that a supplementary estimate of £35,000 be approved, to enable consultants to be appointed to prepare a remediation statement.