To consider a report by the Chief Officers’ Management Team regarding the Development Agreement for the New Headquarters building and Operations Centre.
Contact: D Monks 388001
Approved the recommendations within the report and agreed that the relevant recommendations be forwarded for consideration by the Council at their meeting to be held on 22nd February 2006.
A copy of the report was considered by the Overview & Scrutiny Panels at their meeting on 3rd February 2006. Further copies available to Members of the Panels on request.
In conjunction with the report of the District Council’s Headquarters and Other Office Accommodation Members’ Advisory Group held on 26th January 2006 (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) and with the assistance of a report by the Chief Officers’ Management Team (a copy of which is also appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with progress on negotiations for the completion of a Development Agreement for the procurement of new headquarters and other accommodation for the District Council.
Having considered the deliberations of the Office Accommodation Members’ Advisory Group & the Overview & Scrutiny Panels, the Cabinet
that the recommendations of the Office Accommodation Members’ Advisory Group at their meeting held on 26th January 2006 be commended for approval by the Council at their meeting to be held on 22nd February 2006.