79 Urban Design Framework - St Ives West PDF 14 KB
a) To consider the draft Urban Design Framework for St Ives West and to approve it as a basis for consultation and further discussion.
(A copy of the draft Urban Design Framework has been appended separately to the agenda).
b) To consider the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Planning and Finance) on the document.
Contact: R Probyn 388430
Additional documents:
Approved the Urban Design Framework for land at St Ives West as draft Interim Planning Guidance for a period of public consultation.
(By virtue of their offices as Members of Cambridgeshire County Council Councillors I C Bates and R L Clarke declared personal interests in the following item and remainedin the meeting for the duration of the discussion and voting thereon).
A report by the Head of Planning Services was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) to which was attached a draft Urban Design Framework for three allocated housing sites to the west of St. Ives.
Having been reminded that the three sites were allocated within the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration, Members were informed by the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy that plans to improve transport links around the site and into St. Ives generally would be discussed at the Huntingdonshire Environment and Transport Area Joint Committee on 6th December 2004.
Having considered the comments of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Planning and Finance) and those made by some Executive Councillors, it was explained that the type of development proposed on the three sites would need to await the submission and consideration of planning applications. The Cabinet also was reassured that account would be taken of the Christmas and New Year holiday period when consulting on the Urban Design Framework. It was subsequently
that the Urban Design Framework be approved as draft Interim Planning Guidance for public consultation.