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To consider a report by the Head of Environmental and Community Health Services outlining a proposal to replace the existing grant aid allocation process with a commissioning framework linked to the Council’s identified community objectives.
Contact: D Smith 388377
agreed to replace the existing grant aid allocation process with a commissioning framework linked to the Council’s identified community objective.
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Environmental & Community Health Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which outlined a proposal to replace the existing grant aid allocation process with a commissioning framework linked to the Council’s identified community objectives.
Having recognised the benefits of introducing a system whereby service objectives would be determined at the outset and monitored throughout the life of the commissioning agreement to ensure that the desired outcomes were being realised, the Cabinet
(a) that the Council’s existing grant aid allocation be replaced a the commissioning approach; and
(b) that the terms of reference for the capital grant aid budget be amended to relax the eligibility criteria to allow a wider range of voluntary and community applications to be considered.