To consider a report by the Cycling Working Group who’s report and recommendations have been endorsed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support) for submission to Cabinet.
Contact: Miss H Ali 388006
Noted the recommendations of the Working Group and requested a further report addressing the wider issue of Section 106 funding and partnership working and that discussions be held with Cambridgeshire County Council regarding their offer to update the Huntingdonshire Cycling Strategy as detailed in paragraph 7.1 of the report and the issue of partnership working on cycling provision.
Consideration was given to a report by the Cycling Working Group appointed by the Overview & Scrutiny Panel (Service Support) to investigate the Council’s expenditure on cycling in Huntingdonshire and its effectiveness in providing dedicated cycle paths and promoting cycling as a means of transport. A copy of the report is appended in the Minute Book.
In discussing the Working Group’s recommendations, which had been endorsed by the Panel, the Cabinet
(a) that the recommendations of the Working Group be noted and a further report submitted to Cabinet addressing the wider issue of Section 106 funding and partnership working; and
(b) that Cambridgeshire County Council be invited to enter into discussions regarding their offer to update the Huntingdonshire Cycling Strategy as detailed in paragraph 7.1 of the report now submitted and in the issue of partnership working for cycling provision.