To consider a report by the Travel Plan Working Group, their recommendations have been endorsed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support).
Contact: Miss N Giles 387049
Approved the Working Group’s recommendations and requested that they be investigated in the context of the emerging Environment Strategy, the car parking action plan and the travel plan.
The Cabinet received the report of a Working Group appointed by the Overview & Scrutiny (Service Support) to investigate the Council’s Travel Plan and considered the Panel’s recommendations in relation to travel allowances and incentives/disincentives for Members and Officers to use environmentally sensitive means of transport.
In reviewing the Working Group’s recommendations, Executive Councillors questioned the suggestion to change mileage allowances for Members only and not employees. Members also felt that further work was required into alternative methods of transport to discourage the use of private cars by employees in travelling to and from work. Having noted that any proposals would be affected by the forthcoming Environment Strategy, the Cabinet
that the Working Group’s recommendations be approved and investigated in the context of the emerging Environment Strategy, the car parking action plan and the travel plan.