60 adoption of local standards for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire PDF 93 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Environmental & Community Health Services regarding the adoption of local standards for the provision of sports facilities in Huntingdonshire.
Contact: Dr S Lammin 388280
Agreed to the adoption of local standards for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire.
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Environmental and Community Health Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the adoption of local standards for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire.
In so doing, Members’ attention was drawn to the following key drivers for the adoption of local standards:-
¨ the need to plan strategically and ensure sustainability of provision;
¨ the need to inform the local development framework (LDF), and supplementary planning documents and set out expectations for Section 106 contributions from developers towards future sports facility provision;
¨ the priorities and objectives for the sustainable community strategy;
¨ the need to identify what provision is needed in St. Neots, given the significant population increases planned for this area;
¨ the requirement to identify the needs of those living in rural areas where accessibility to sports facilities is more limited;
¨ the need to increase participation in sport at local level (LAA target);
¨ the emerging opportunities for Partnerships – Building Schools for the Future, National Governing Bodies, Sports Clubs etc.
Having been advised that the adoption of standards will assist in maintaining an appropriate range of sports facilities in the District to meet future need and will eventually lead to the development of a Leisure Facilities Strategy, the Cabinet
that the Local Standards appended to the report now submitted be adopted for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire.
To consider a report by the Head of Environmental and Community Health Services on the adoption of local standards for the provision of sports facilities in Huntingdonshire.
20 Minutes.
Contact: Ms J Peadon 388048
(Councillor Mrs D C Reynolds, Executive Councillor for Housing and Public Health was in attendance for this item).
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Environmental and Community Health Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel were acquainted with a proposal to adopt local standards for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire. The standards would help to achieve an appropriate range of sports facilities to meet future need.
It was reported that, in light of the preparations for the forthcoming Olympics, the adoption of local standards was timely. In response to concerns raised by the Chairman, the Panel were assured that the adoption of standards would not result in the creation of new facilities that would compete with existing Council facilities. In addition, the Council would not be responsible for future operating and maintenance costs of new facilities.
The Panel was informed that whilst the proposal was for five specified types of sports facilities, an emerging Leisure Facilities Strategy would incorporate other facilities. In recognising that the adoption of local standards was being encouraged by Sport England, the Panel
that the Cabinet be recommended to adopt the local standards for the provision of core sports facilities in Huntingdonshire as outlined within Table 1 of the report now submitted.