124 Town Centre Initiatives PDF 83 KB
To consider a report by the Town Centre Initiatives Working Group who’s report and recommendations have been endorsed by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support).
Contact: Miss H Ali 388006
To ensure their long-term stability and effectiveness, agreed to invite the four town centre Partnerships to enter into three year funding agreements which, in return for the maintenance of existing grants and other assistance from the Council, will require each Partnership to produce a three year business plan with annual action plans and targets designed to support delivery of the Local Economy Strategy and to sustain and encourage the economic viability of the town centres.
A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support) was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which summarised the findings of a review by a Working Group into the purpose, cost and achievements of the Town Centre Initiatives across the District.
In discussing the views expressed by the Working Group, Executive Councillors’ attention was drawn to the benefits for the Partnerships of moving from the annual grant, awarded by the District Council, to a longer term arrangement. Having acknowledged that the beneficial work of the Partnerships, the Cabinet
that, to ensure their long-term stability and effectiveness, the four town centre Partnerships be invited to enter into three year funding agreements which, in return for the maintenance of existing grants and other assistance from the Council, will require each Partnership to produce a three year business plan with annual action plans and targets designed to support delivery of the Local Economy Strategy and to sustain and encourage the economic viability of the town centres.
97 Town Centre Initiatives Working Group PDF 59 KB
To consider a report on the Cabinet’s decisions in response to the Panel’s recommendations arising from the study by the Travel Plan Working Group.
Contact: Miss N Giles 387049
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 06/78 and with the assistance of a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book), Councillors K M Baker, A N Gilbert and R J West acquainted the Panel with the outcome of the deliberations of the Town Centre Initiatives Working Group which had been established to investigate the purpose, cost and achievements of the town centre initiatives across the District. In doing so, the Panel was informed that uncertainty over funding was an issue for the individual Partnerships and detracted from their ability to achieve their aims and objectives.
Members were informed that, at present, the Partnerships each received an annual grant of £19,200 from the District Council in addition to direct officer support at Head of Service level, the servicing of meetings by the Democratic Services Section, and a donation of £600 towards printing costs. As this funding was largely used by each Partnership to cover the Town Centre Manager’s post, the Panel was informed that other source of funding had to be pursued in order to support other operational and project costs.
The Panel expressed their appreciation to the Working Group, relevant Officers and the Sustainable Economic Development Section for their efforts in producing the report and it was;
that the Working Group’s report and recommendations as set out below be approved for submission to the Cabinet for consideration:-
(a) that the District Council enter into an agreement with individual Partnerships for a period of five years to pay a grant annually updated for inflation, based on an existing level of support and with a suitable break clause to enable the agreement to be terminated in appropriate circumstances; and
(b) that the District Council continue to provide officer support as outlined in this report to the Partnerships.