38 Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment PDF 78 KB
With the assistance of a report by the Housing Strategy Manager, to consider the results of the Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment.
Contact: Ms T Reed 388203
Additional documents:
Noted details of the Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment and its implications for the District.
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Housing Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with details of the Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment and its implications for the District.
Members were reminded that the assessment outlined the evidence of need and demand for market and affordable housing based on seven local authority areas within the sub-region and replaced the need for local assessments. Having been advised that the document would be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, the Cabinet
that the contents of the report now submitted be noted.
To consider a report by the Head of Housing Services on the Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment, prior to its consideration by the Cabinet.
20 Minutes.
Contact: Mrs T Reed 388430
Additional documents:
(Councillor Mrs D C Reynolds, Executive Councillor for Housing and Public Health, was in attendance for this Item).
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Housing Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel were acquainted with details of the Cambridge Sub-Region Strategic Housing Market Assessment and its implications for the District.
By way of background, the Executive Councillor for Housing and Public Health reported that the document set out the evidence of need and demand for market and affordable housing based on seven local authority areas within the region. In noting that the document would replace the need for local Housing Needs Assessments, the Panel were advised that it would be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
The Panel discussed housing register trends, migration in to and out of the District and the availability of affordable housing in light of current economic trends throughout the country. Members were informed that to date there had not been an increase in homelessness and that the government was discussing with the Housing Corporation the possible relaxation of restrictions, which might enable registered social landlords to utilise unoccupied private sector housing. The Panel were advised that the specification for these buildings was not the same as that required for social housing.
that the content of the report be noted.