51 New Accommodation Delivery - Mid-Programme Review
To consider a report by the New Accommodation Project Co-ordinator
Contact: R Preston 388340
noted progress of the delivery of the new accommodation project and the programme of work for the current year. Approved the actual expenditure in 2007/08 and noted the requirement, when the Medium Term Plan is next reviewed, to revise the currently approved medium term plan estimate to provide for the forecast outturn for 2008/09. Approved a virement from the Headquarters repairs and renewals fund of £170,000 to the MTP scheme 300B and authorised the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Deputy Leader, to enter into contract(s) for the supply of furniture for the new headquarters; and agreed to investigate various options regarding the re-development of an area of land fronting St Mary’s Street and a report thereon to include the financial implications of any proposals to a future meeting of the Cabinet.
With the assistance of a report by the New Accommodation Project Co-ordinator (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book), the Cabinet were updated on progress of the delivery of the new accommodation project. An addendum to the report was circulated regarding options for the redevelopment of an area of land fronting St Mary’s Street.
Having considered issues associated with the proposed development of latter and the programme’s overall expenditure, the Cabinet
(a) that the progress made on the delivery of the new accommodation project and the programme of work in the current year be noted;
(b) that the actual expenditure in 2007/08 be approved;
(c) that the requirement, when the Medium Term Plan is next reviewed, to revise the currently approved medium term plan estimate to provide for the forecast outturn for 2008/09 be noted;
(d) that a virement from the Headquarters repairs and renewals fund of £170,000 to the MTP scheme 300B be approved;
(e) the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Deputy Leader, be authorised to enter into contract(s) for the supply of furniture for the new headquarters; and
(f) that various options be investigated regarding the re-development of an area of land fronting St Mary’s Street and a report thereon to include the financial implications of any proposals be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet.