With the assistance of a report by the Head of Policy and Strategic Services, to consider a response to the consultation document “Prosperous Places: Taking Forward the Sub National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration” produced by the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.
Contact: Ms C Garbett 388459
Approved a proposed response to the contents of a recent consultation paper issued by the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform which outlines a series of measures to streamline the regional tier, strengthen the local authority role in economic development and support collaboration by local authorities across the economic areas. Also, requested that specific reference be made to the importance of ensuring that the elected local authority members comprise a majority on Regional Development Agencies.
By means of a report by the Head of Planning and Strategic Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the contents of a recent consultation paper issued by the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform proposing a series of measures to streamline the regional tier, strengthen the local authority role in economic development and support collaboration by local authorities across the economic areas.
Having considered the proposals outlined in the consultation paper, and the suggested responses, the Cabinet emphasised that a concerted approach should be made to ensure that local input at district level was an integral element within the process. Accordingly, it was
that, the proposed response to the consultation paper as outlined in the Appendix to the report now submitted be approved and that specific reference be made to the importance of ensuring that the elected local authority members comprise a majority on Regional Development Agencies.