121 New Accommodation - Building A - Options Review
To consider a report by the New Accommodation Project Manager regarding options for Building A.
Contact: R Preston 388340
Approved in principle the disposal of a leasehold interest in Council owned land fronting St Mary’s Street, Huntingdon to the Luminus Group for the provision of affordable housing and authorised the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader, to agree the final terms and conditions for the disposal.
Further to Minute No. 08/51 and with the assistance of a report by the New Accommodation Project Co-ordinator (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet were updated on progress of the delivery of the new accommodation project.
Having considered options for the redevelopment of an area of land fronting St. Mary’s Street and in noting the deliberations of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Corporate and Strategic Framework) on the matter, the Cabinet
(a) that the disposal of a leasehold interest in Council owned land fronting St Mary’s Street, Huntingdon to the Luminus Group for the provision of affordable housing be approved in principle; and
(b) that the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Leader, be authorised to agree the final terms and conditions for the disposal.
To consider a report by the New Accommodation Project Co-ordinator.
Contact: R Preston 388340
Councillor J A Gray in the Chair.
(See Minute No. 14 for Members' Interests).
(Councillor L M Simpson, Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Information Technology, was in attendance for this Item).
Consideration was given to a report by the New Accommodation Project Co-ordinator (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which contained details of the options available for the site of Building A of the New Office Accommodation Project. Having reviewed each of the options presented, Members expressed support for Option E, disposal of the site to Luminus for the construction of social rented housing. In reaching this decision the Panel took into account the facts that this option was likely to attract grant aid from the Homes and Communities Agency and would enable construction on the whole site to be completed by March 2010. Given the current economic climate, it also would provide the best rate of return for the Council. Furthermore, the Panel recommended that the Council should seek to link the level of ground rent to an appropriate index in order that a tangible benefit could be achieved over the full 125 years term of the proposed lease. Whereupon, it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to pursue Option E as the preferred approach to be adopted with regard to the site of Building A of the New Office Accommodation Project.