43 Great Fen Masterplan PDF 91 KB
To consider a report by the Director of Environmental & Community Services seeking approval for the draft illustrative Masterplan for the Great Fen Project.
The maps referred to in the report are attached to the agenda separately.
Contact: M Sharp 388301
Additional documents:
Approved the draft illustrative Masterplan for the Great Fen as the basis for consultation.
With the assistance of a report by the Director of Environmental and Community Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered a draft illustrative Masterplan for the Great Fen project together with the deliberations the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) thereon.
Members were advised that the Masterplan outlined where new physical features could be created and existing characteristics retained showing open water, wetland, woodland, footpaths, cycleways, buildings and car parks. The document would form the basis of a new action plan for the ongoing development of the project.
In discussing the contents of the Masterplan Members’ attention was drawn to initial discussions held with Peterborough City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council regarding the project. In that respect, Executive Councillors have requested that they both be formally consulted on the Masterplan with a view to them eventually becoming full partners alongside the District Council, Environment Agency, Middle Level Commissioners, English Nature and the Wildlife Trust for Cambridgeshire. Whereupon, it was
that the Masterplan for the Great Fen project be approved as a basis of public consultation.
29 Great Fen Master Plan PDF 91 KB
To receive a report by the Director of Environmental and Community Services on the Great Fen Master Plan.
Contact: Mr M Sharp 388301
(Councillor D B Dew, Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy and Transport was in attendance for this Item. Councillor R G Tuplin of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being) was also in attendance).
Further to Minute No 09/20 and following an introduction by the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy and Transport, the Panel considered the draft illustrative master plan for the Great Fen Project (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book). The Panel welcomed the production of the master plan as the next stage in the planning process for the Great Fen Project and expressed its ongoing support for the Council's involvement in the venture, which would enable the views of the local community to be represented and provide a democratic focus for the project.
Although Members recognised that further detailed work would need to be undertaken to produce an action plan for the project, concerns were raised over the absence of any reference to business planning and long term financial forecasting in the document. The Panel had questions about the financial viability of the visitor centre, and having regard to the latter’s location expressed concern over the condition of B660 access road, and the need for its improvement in light of the anticipated visitor numbers.
The Panel also was anxious to ensure that there would be no long term financial implications for the Council arising from the cessation of the grants awarded to the project. Members were mindful of the danger of creating aspirations through the consultation process that it might be difficult to fund in the long term.
The Panel was encouraged to note that some local land owners who initially had not been in favour of the project had since approached partners to discuss the possibility of changing their farming methods in line with the project’s vision.
The Panel also welcomed a suggestion by the Executive Councillor for Planning Strategy and Transport that a future meeting of the Panel be held at the Great Fen, to enable Members to visualise the project and learn at first hand about future plans.
that the Cabinet be advised of the Panel's views on the Great Fen Master Plan.