111 Homelessness and the housing market PDF 86 KB
To consider a report by the Overview and Scrutiny (Service Delivery) Panel regarding the current national and local economic factors affecting the housing market and the associated level of demand for social rented housing.
Contact: A Roberts 388004
Noted the concerns of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) over the current national and local economic factors affecting the housing market and the associated level of demand for social rented housing. I
(Councillor S J Criswell, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) was in attendance and spoke on this item)
The Cabinet received and noted a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) concerning the current national and local economic factors affecting the housing market and the associated level of demand for social rented housing. In so doing, Executive Councillors were advised that a number of initiatives were currently in place to ameliorate the effects of economic downturn in terms of preventing repossessions and homelessness and to help those experiencing financial difficulties. In the ensuing discussion, the Executive Councillor for Housing and Health reported that a further increase in demand for housing services was likely and that the situation would be monitored closely.
To consider a report by the Head of Housing Services on the issue of homelessness and the housing market.
20 Minutes.
Contact: S Plant 388240 J Collen 388220
(Councillor Mrs D C Reynolds, Executive Councillor for Housing and Public Health was in attendance for this item).
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Housing Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute) containing an analysis of current national and local economic factors affecting the housing market and the associated demand for social rented housing, together with details of a proposal to re-model Coneygear Court. Members were reminded that the report had been requested following their deliberations on the Council’s quarterly performance monitoring report at the previous meeting (Minute No. 58 refers).
By way of introduction, the Executive Councillor for Housing and Public Health reported that a number of initiatives had been put in place to address the effects of the economic downturn in terms of preventing homelessness and home repossessions. Members were encouraged to note that locally there had not been a significant increase in home repossessions compared with the same period in the previous year.
Having outlined the partnership working in which the Council was engaged in this area, the Head of Housing Services reported that a range of services was available to residents experiencing financial difficulties and that they were encouraged to seek advice at the earliest opportunity. In anticipating that demand for housing services was likely to increase significantly over the course of the next year, the Panel also acknowledged that the Housing Service was currently operating at maximum capacity. As a result the Panel decided to request the Cabinet to look sympathetically on future requests for additional resources to meet any further increases in demand should they materialise.
With regard to the re-modelling of Coneygear Court, the Panel were advised that the Council would be supporting the bid for external funding by Granta Housing Society for the redevelopment of the site. Members were advised that should the bid be unsuccessful, other funding options would be explored. In response to concerns raised by Members, the Panel received assurances from the Head of Housing Services that interim arrangements would be made to accommodate occupiers of the property during the construction period.
Having commended the Housing Service for its response to the current economic conditions and stressed the importance of publicising the services that were available, the Panel
(a) that the initiatives in place to help prevent a rise in mortgage repossessions in the District be noted;
(b) that the issues around identifying capital funding for the re-modelling of Coneygear Court be noted; and
(c) that the Cabinet be formally notified of the Panel’s views on the need for additional resources to be made available to the Housing Department should increases in demand for services arise.