113 Social consequences of alcohol abuse PDF 294 KB
To consider a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support).
Contact: R Reeves 388003
Noted the findings of a study by the Panel regarding the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on levels of anti-social behaviour and alcohol related crime within the District. Welcomed and encouraged the actions being taken by the various agencies in an attempt to reduce the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on levels of anti-social behaviour and alcohol related crime within the District. Supported the principles of the Cambridgeshire Alcohol Strategy 2008-2011. Requested the Head of Administration to liaise formally with the enforcement agencies to encourage them to make full use of the powers available to them to tackle the effects of alcohol misuse and resultant public disorder and to carry out this work in a more co-ordinated way. Also requested the District Council’s Licensing Section to ensure that local residents are aware that the opportunities available to them under the Licensing Act 2003 to initiative reviews of premises licences and club premises certificates where they were experiencing problems caused by public disorder emanating from these premises.
(Councillor J D Bell, Vice-Chairman of the Licensing and Protection Panel was in attendance and spoke on this item)
A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Support) was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which summarised the findings of a study by the Panel regarding the impact of alcohol consumption on levels of anti-social behaviour and alcohol related crime within the District.
In considering the Panel’s conclusions, Executive Councillors noted that while problems with alcohol related anti-social behaviour and criminal activity were evident within the District they were at the lower level than in many parts of the Country. Having noted the initiatives being undertaken to address the issue, in particular the development of a countywide alcohol strategy and the extent of enforcement , the Cabinet
(a) that the actions being taken by the various agencies in an attempt to reduce the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on levels of anti-social behaviour and alcohol related crime within the District be welcomed and encouraged;
(b) that the principles of the Cambridgeshire Alcohol Strategy 2008-2011 be supported;
(c) that the Head of Administration be requested to liaise formally with the enforcement agencies to encourage them to make full use of the powers available to them to tackle the effects of alcohol misuse and resultant public disorder and to carry out this work in a more co-ordinated way; and
(d) that where appropriate the Council’s Licensing Section be requested to ensure that local residents are aware of the opportunities available to them under the Licensing Act 2003 to initiate reviews of premises licences and club premises certificates where they were experiencing problems caused by public disorder emanating from these premises.
To consider the report of the Working Group appointed by the Panel.
Contact: Mrs C Bulman 388234
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 08/31 and with the assistance of a report by the Working Group (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel were acquainted with the outcome of the deliberations of the Social Consequences of Alcohol Abuse Working Group which had been established to consider the problem of alcohol abuse and its social consequences.
In considering the Working Group’s report, Councillor L W McGuire outlined his continuing concerns at the Local Strategic Partnership’s decision not to support an application for funding to implement the County-Wide Alcohol Strategy as an investment proposal for reward monies from the Local Public Service Agreement. In his view, this would have resulted in a co-ordinated approach being taken to tackling problems associated with alcohol consumption.
Members also emphasised the need to emphasise to enforcement agencies to make full use of the powers available to them to tackle the effects of alcohol misuse and resultant public disorder. A suggestion was made that the wording of the recommendations should be strengthened accordingly. Having agreed that the study should be revisited towards the end of the year, it was
that subject to the amendment of recommendation (c) by the Head of Administration after consultation with the Chairman in accordance with the views set out above, the Working Group’s report and recommendations be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet.