To consider a report by the Development Control Manager.
Contact: A Moffat 388402
Endorsed the transform of the development control function to one of development management, authorised the Head of Planning Services to implement all necessary administrative and procedural changes required as part of the change, requested the Head of Planning Services to investigate the possibility of introducing charges for pre-application discussions and to invite Town and Parish Councils to the workshop sessions being arranged to discuss the change.
A report by the Head of Planning Services was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding a proposal to formalise the transformation of the development control function to one of development management.
It was reported that the nature of the Local Development Framework had prompted a change in emphasis with focus now being placed on the importance of a sustainable and deliverable development in the District as opposed to the "negative" and "reactive" reputation held formally about the development control function.
Having considered issues surrounding the potential to charge for pre-application discussions and in stressing the need to effectively communicate any changes to the Town and Parish Councils, the Cabinet
(a) that the proposed transformation from Development Control to Development Management be endorsed and the Head of Planning Services authorised to implement all necessary administrative and procedural changes required;
(b) that the Head of Planning Services be requested to investigate the possibility of introducing charges for pre-application discussions; and
(c) that the Head of Planning Services be requested to invite Town and Parish Councils to the workshop sessions being arranged to discuss the change to a development management approach.
To consider a report by the Development Control Manager.
A report by the Head of Planning Services was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding a proposal to formally transform the development control function to development management.
It was explained that the nature of the Local Development Framework had prompted a change in emphasis with focus now being placed on the importance of a sustainable and deliverable vision for development in the District as opposed to the negative and reactive reputation held formerly in some quarters about the development control function. It was accepted that the transformation would require cultural change and a wider range of skills with the process described as a "journey" rather than a "sudden event".
The Panel welcomed the elements of development management which the service already was taking forward as referred to in points 3, 4 and 5 of Appendix B to the report now submitted and requested Officers to present a session on the changes at a training event being arranged for the Panel in May.
Whilst commending the transformation, Members did express some concern over the suggested resource implications of the new pro-active approach required by development management and were anxious that their decision to endorse the proposal was not considered to represent support for any additional financial implications that might be forthcoming. Subject to this reservation, the Panel
that the proposed transformation from Development Control to Development Management be endorsed and the Head of Planning Services authorised to implement the necessary administrative and procedural changes required.