To consider a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) on the outcome of a review of capital and revenue grant aid schemes operating across the Council.
Contact: Miss H Ali 388006
Agreed to publish the availability of all grants more extensively, particularly to all District Councillors, and a list included on the Council's website; requested that the returns submitted by organisations covered by service level agreements be reviewed by the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panels to achieve greater transparency; suggested that the work with and assistance to community groups/organisations to obtain funding and community development work be co-ordinated by the Head of Community and Environmental Health; agreed that further investigation be carried out into the availability of funding from the East of England Regional Assembly, for example, for housing and gypsy and traveller sites in the District and that the Council's various grant schemes be kept under review.
(Councillor P J Mitchell, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Social Well-Being) was in attendance and spoke on this Item).
Further to Minute No 08/114 and by way of a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Service Delivery) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet reconsidered the updated findings of the Panel on the capital and revenue grants scheme operating across the Council.
The Cabinet were informed that the study had involved discussions with the Lead Member of the Grant Aid Working Group and the Executive Councillors for Finance and Transportation and for Housing and Public Health. Having concurred with the Panel that the current process was working well, although some areas relating to service level agreements and external funding schemes would benefit from further investigations, the Cabinet
(a) that the availability of all grants be published more extensively, particularly to all District Councillors, and a list included on the Council's website;
(b) that the returns submitted by organisations covered by service level agreements be reviewed by the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Panels to achieve greater transparency;
(c) that the work with and assistance to community groups/organisations to obtain funding be co-ordinated by the Head of Community and Environmental Health;
(d) that further investigation be carried out into the availability of funding from the East of England Regional Assembly, for example, for housing and gypsy and traveller sites in the District; and
(e) that the Council's various grant schemes be kept under review.