46 Adoption of Roads and Sewers PDF 126 KB
To consider a report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being).
Contact: Miss H Ali 388006
Noted the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny (Environmental Well-Being) on the adoption of roads and sewers in Huntingdonshire. Approved the contents of a communications plan, subject to consultation with Anglian Water on the proposed approach. Requested the Scrutiny and Review Manager to formally write to the local branch of the Law Society to draw their attention to the issues identified by the Panel; Requested the Panel to revisit the study once the extent is known of the sewers not under the responsibility of Anglian Water and following the implementation of the Government initiative referred to in paragraph 4.10 of the report; and requested the Scrutiny and Review Manager to lobby the local government association to seek the strengthening of the powers of the Highways Authority with regard to the road adoption process.
A report by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which summarised the findings of their study on the adoption of roads and sewers in Huntingdonshire.
The Cabinet were informed that the report highlighted the problems encountered by house buyers in ensuring that the infrastructure is maintained at the public’s expense and the difficulties faced by the highways and water authorities in ensuring that roads and sewers are completed by the developers to adoptable standards. Having recognised the importance of raising awareness of these issues among residents, especially during the conveyancing process, the Cabinet
(a) that the contents of the report now submitted be noted;
(b) that, subject to consultation with Anglian Water on the proposed approach, the communications plan appended to the report now submitted be implemented;
(c) that the Scrutiny and Review Manager be requested to formally write to the local branch of the Law Society to draw their attention to the issues identified by the Panel;
(d) that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) be requested to revisit the study once the extent is known of the sewers not under the responsibility of Anglian Water and following the implementation of the Government initiative referred to in paragraph 4.10 of the report; and
(e) that the Scrutiny and Review Manager be requested to lobby the local government association to seek the strengthening of the powers of the Highways Authority with regard to the road adoption process.
22 Adoption of Roads and Sewers PDF 127 KB
To consider the report of the Adoption of Roads and Sewers Working Group.
Contact: Miss H Ali 388006
Councillor J S Watt introduced a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) by the Adoption of Roads and Sewers Working Group which had been established to investigate the processes and procedures involved with a view to expediting the adoption process.
In considering the Working Group’s report, the Panel noted that DEFRA had announced that with effect from April 2011, the responsibility for 200,000km of privately owned sewers and lateral drains in England would be transferred to statutory water and sewerage companies. Further to this, it was reported that Persimmon Homes had appointed staff to assess outstanding matters which had held up the adoption process on their developments.
(a) that the Panel’s appreciation be expressed to the Members of the Working Group; and
(b) that the Working Group’s report and recommendations be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet for consideration.