32 former fire station site and waste recycling centre, Huntingdon Street, St Neots
To consider a report by the Head of Law, Property & Governance.
Contact: K Phillips 388260
Additional documents:
(Councillor B Chapman – Ward Member for St Neots Priory Park was in attendance and spoke on this item)
Further to Minute No. 33/09 and by way of a report by the Head of Law, Property and Governance (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) the Cabinet was apprised of the tenders received for the leasehold interest of land at the former fire station site and waste recycling centre, Huntingdon Street, St. Neots.
In so doing, Members’ attention was drawn to the views of the Overview and Scrutiny (Economic Well-Being) Panel regarding the importance of complying with the Planning Brief for the site and the need for the developer to secure the agreement of the St Neots Town Council over the release of land in that authority’s ownership to facilitate the development proposed.
In the discussion, it was suggested that any future assignment of the lease to the successful tender should be subject to a condition that this should be limited to future leisure use only.
(a) that the contents of the report be noted; and
(b) that the Director of Central Services after consultation with the Executive Councillors for Finance and Customer Services and for Leisure, Law, Property and Governance, be authorised to approve the terms for the disposal of the land at the former fire station site and waste recycling centre, Huntingdon Street, St. Neots to the developer named in the recommendation in paragraph 7.1 (ii) of the report now submitted.
To receive a report by the Estates & Property Manager prior to its consideration by the Cabinet.
Contact: K Phillips 388260
Additional documents:
(Councillor B S Chapman, Ward Councillor for St Neots Priory Park was in attendance for this item).
The Panel considered a report by the Head of Law, Property and Governance (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) containing details of applications received for the leasehold of land at the former fire station site and waste recycling centre, Huntingdon Street, St Neots. By way of introduction, the Panel were advised that the Cabinet had approved a planning brief earlier in 2010 and that, following marketing, four bids had been received. The bids had been assessed in accordance with the selection criteria.
The Panel commented on the difficulties encountered by small businesses in preparing bids for contracts and on the timing of the decision to enter into a lease given current market conditions.
Councillor B S Chapman addressed the Panel as Ward Councillor. He drew attention to similar developments in other areas and the nature of the involvement of the local authority in their delivery.
In discussing the merits of the bids, the Panel focussed on their financial terms, the potential benefits they would bring and the degree to which they complied with the planning brief. Members acknowledged that a balance had to be struck between these factors and suggested that the Cabinet should be provided with further information for consideration as part of their deliberations.
With regard to the recommendations contained within the report and having regard to the importance of achieving the objectives within the planning brief, suggestions were made in relation to terms and conditions for inclusion in any future agreement. Whereupon it was
that the Cabinet be recommended to
i. proceed with the scheme to develop the Former Fire Station and Waste Recycling Site in Huntingdon Street, St Neots as proposed subject to additional information being provided on the bids that have been received;
ii. include the construction of a cinema in the agreement with the successful bidder; and
iii. make the agreement conditional on the release of the necessary land by St Neots Town Council.