86 Payment of Recycling Credits PDF 84 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Operations seeking approval for certain changes to payments made to owners of the mini bring recycling sites in the District.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
Approved the payment of £150 per tonne to owners of land where textile recycling banks, subject to pro rata fluctuations in the amount the Council receives per tonne
Further to Minute No 85/10 and by way of a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered proposals to change payments to owners of recycling sites.
By way of background, Members were reminded of their previous decision to remove glass recycling banks from brings sites and introduce the collection of new types of materials such as textiles, books and shoes, using third party providers from either the private, public or the third sectors. Executive Councillors were reminded that the tonnage of glass from mini bring sites had reduced to such a level that the council’s costs were greater than the income being received from the recycling credit payment and alternative banks needed to be investigated to maximise income for parish and town councils.
Having considered arrangements for the siting of textile recycling banks and in receiving the deliberations of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) on the matter, the Cabinet
that payment of £150 per tonne to owners of land where textile recycling banks are situated be approved, subject to pro rata fluctuations in the amount the Council receives per tonne
82 Payment of Recycling Credits PDF 84 KB
To receive a report by the Head of Operations on Recycling Credits. (To follow.)
(Councillor C R Hyams, Executive Councillor for Operational and Countryside Services was in attendance for this item.)
The Panel considered a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) informing Members of proposed changes to the payment arrangements to site owners for mini bring recycling sites.
The Panel was advised that in order to support recycling, the Council previously had set up mini recycling centres for paper and glass. Recycling credits had been paid to these communities from the income received based upon the volume collected. The Panel was advised that in 2009/10 payments to parish and town councils had amounted to £40,404 for a total of 63 sites.
Following the inclusion of paper and glass in the kerbside recycling bin the amount of materials being collected from mini-recycling centres had reduced significantly resulting in a loss of income to the site owners and the imminent removal of the banks as it was no longer an economic proposition to retain them.
Members were informed that work had been ongoing to procure an alternative source of recycling income for those concerned and a new 5 year contract in respect of textiles recycling would generate income from the sale of the material collected. Textile banks would be provided and emptied by a contractor at no cost to the Council and it was proposed that these would replace the paper and glass recycling banks. After having considered a number of options, the Head of Operations proposed a payment to parish and town councils of £150 per tonne for textiles collected. This would generate the potential for the same level of income for the parishes and towns while enabling the District Council to achieve a net income of £65,600 per annum.
Members commented on the amount of textile tonnage needed to maintain a similar level of income for the parishes and towns and they also drew attention to the number of charity recycling banks located at mini recycling centres. Having been informed that the decision as to whether to accept textile recycling bins would be a matter for the parish and town councils, concerned the Panel
that the recommendation in the report be endorsed for submission to Cabinet.