68 RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework PDF 48 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Planning Services on consultation responses received in respect of the draft Urban Design Framework for RAF Brampton.
Contact: P Bland 388430
Additional documents:
Authorised the Head of Planning Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing and the Chairman of the Development Management Panel, to finalise and approve the RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework as planning guidance to inform Council Policy and Development Management Decisions on potential planning applications.
(Councillor M Shellens, local ward member, was in attendance and spoke in support of the Framework)
Further to Minute No. 10/67, the Cabinet considered a report by the Head of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) outlining the responses received to the consultation on the draft RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework (UDF) and suggested amendments to the Framework as a consequence thereof.
Executive Councillors were advised that the principles set out in the UDF would facilitate the delivery of the District Council’s adopted core strategy policies for mixed use development in Brampton.
The responses had been discussed by the Development Management Panel and the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) arising from which some concern had been expressed over the future of the Brampton Park Theatre. Having requested that the final document include reference to potential options for the retention of the theatre building as a community facility, the Cabinet
that the Head of Planning Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing and the Chairman of the Development Management Panel, be authorised to finalise and approve the RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework as planning guidance to inform Council Policy and Development Management Decisions on potential planning applications.
59 RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework PDF 48 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Planning regarding the recent consultation on the draft RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework.
Contact: P Bland 388430
Additional documents:
(Councillors D B Dew and M F Shellens were in attendance for this Item.)
Councillor D B Dew introduced a report by the Head of Planning Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) to which was attached a summary of comments received during consultation on the draft RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework and responses to them. The Panel noted that, with one exception, there was broad support for the development of the site. The remaining area of objection related to Brampton Park Theatre. To overcome these objections, it was suggested that the final Urban Design Framework should include reference to potential options for retention of the theatre building, which would then be subject to negotiation with any future developer.
Councillor M F Shellens advised the Panel of the extensive public consultation that had been undertaken throughout the development of the Urban Design Framework. Members supported the positive way in which the Framework had been produced. Given that it had been arrived at through consensus, the Panel
that the report be endorsed for submission to the Cabinet.
To consider a report by the Head of Planning Services.
Additional documents:
(Councillor M F Shellens addressed the Panel on the Item.)
The Head of Planning Services introduced a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) to which was attached a summary of responses received during consultation on the draft RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework (UDF).
It was explained that the UDF established a series of planning principles which would enable the delivery of a high quality, sustainable, and mixed use development for an important and sensitive site in Brampton.
The Panel noted that, with one exception, there was broad support for the development of the site. The remaining area of objection related to the future of the Brampton Park Theatre. To overcome these objections, it had been suggested that the final (UDF) should include reference to potential options for retention of the theatre building which would then be subject to negotiation with any future developer. Members were hopeful that the planning process might deliver a multi-use or community building but it was accepted that this outcome would be dependent upon the viability of the project.
The Executive Councillor for Planning and Housing Strategy, Councillor Guyatt and the Chairman of the Panel, Councillor Dew paid tribute to the contributions made to the process by local Ward Councillors, Brampton Parish Council and the RAF Brampton Development Working Group. These sentiments were endorsed by the Speaker, Councillor M F Shellens who thanked Members and Officers for securing such a positive outcome to the Working Group.
Having been assured that the military heritage of selected buildings had been taken into account in the UDF and that it was the objective to generate and retain employment as part of the development site, the Panel
that the Cabinet be recommended to authorise the Head of Planning Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Strategic Planning and Housing and Chairman of the Panel to finalise and approve the RAF Brampton Urban Design Framework as planning guidance to inform Council policy and development management decisions on potential planning applications.