34 Leisure Centre Management Agreements PDF 28 KB
Report by the General Manager One Leisure.
Contact: S Bell 388049
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Authorised the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Health and Active Communities, to negotiate and finalise the draft heads of terms for the districts leisure centres and enter into a lease and a new management agreement, initially with Longsands Learning Partnership and in due course with each of the other schools and colleges aspiring to academy status as necessary.
(The Chairman announced that he proposed to admit the following urgent item in accordance with Section 100B (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 given the need to sign the agreement by the end of July 2011)
Consideration was given to a report by the General Manager, One Leisure (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking approval to negotiate new Management Agreements for the District’s five leisure centres.
Members were advised that the five secondary schools linked to the leisure centres sites had committed themselves to achieving Academy status and as a result of this, ownership of the school sites would transfer from the County to the appropriate schools/colleges As a consequence, management agreements would now need to be entered into directly with the schools/colleges themselves. Having been advised that materially the agreements would be the same as that with the County Council and that Ernulf School and Longsands School in St Neots have already combined to create a unified body, the Cabinet
that the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Health and Active Communities, be authorised to negotiate and finalise the draft heads of terms for the districts leisure centres and enter into a lease and a new management agreement, initially with Longsands Learning Partnership and in due course with each of the other schools and colleges aspiring to academy status as necessary.