61 Carbon Management Plan Update PDF 131 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Environmental Management on the Council’s Carbon Management Plan.
Contact: C Jablonski 388368
Additional documents:
Noted progress made towards the implementation of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan and the positive impact this has had on energy use and bills at the Council’s main sites; supported the undertaking of cross functional energy reviews as a way of maximising cost savings and the continued use of the Salix ring-fenced funding and Environment Strategy Capital Funding to implement further energy saving projects and authorised the Managing Directors, after consultation with Executive Councillors, to approve the installation of Solar PV on the Council’s main sites and if necessary report back to the next meeting.
A report by the Head of Environment Management was submitted (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) reviewing progress towards the implementation of the targets set out in the Council’s Carbon Management Plan. The report which included data and narrative on energy efficiency and renewable measures being introduced during the current financial year had been considered also by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) whose comments were relayed to the Cabinet.
Executive Councillors were advised that the Council was half way towards achieving its target of reducing CO2emissions by 30% over a five year period. In discussing the scope to reduce energy use further during the remaining three years of the Plan, attention was drawn to the project to install Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels at the Council’s main sites. Having noted that as a result of changes to the Government’s feed in tariff the extent of the proposed scheme had been significantly reduced, Members concurred with the Overview and Scrutiny Panel that further analysis as to the viability of the project should be undertaken. At the same time, Executive Councillors questioned the life expectancy of the solar panels and the cost associated with maintaining them.
Having questioned the deadline for registering a PV scheme for the Government’s subsidies, the Cabinet
(a) that the progress made towards the implementation of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan and the positive impact this has had on energy use and bills at the Council’s main sites be noted;
(b) that the undertaking of cross functional energy reviews as a way of maximising cost savings and the continued use of the Salix ring-fenced funding and Environment Strategy Capital Funding to implement further energy saving projects be supported; and
(c) that the Managing Directors (Resources) and (Communities, Partnerships and Projects) be authorised, after consultation with Executive Councillors’ to approve the installation of Solar PV Panels on the Council’s main sites and if necessary a further report be submitted to the next meeting of the Cabinet.
49 Carbon Management Plan PDF 139 KB
To receive a report by the Head of Environmental Management on the Council’s Carbon Management Plan.
Contact: C Jablonski 388368
(Councillor DM Tysoe, Executive Councillor for the Environment, was in attendance for this item).
The Panel considered a report by the Head of Environmental Management (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) providing an update on progress against the targets contained in the Council’s Carbon Management Plan (CMP). Members noted that achievement of a 15% reduction in its carbon emissions meant that the Council was on course to meet the target to reduce CO2e by 30% in the period to 2013. A 7% reduction in energy costs had also been achieved over the previous 2 year period.
Members were advised of ongoing works to determine which efficiency saving measures would be most appropriate for each of the Council’s 10 main sites and noted that over 70% of the Council’s total energy spending had been on the five main sites, which included three leisure centres.
The Panel was informed that the terms of a three year programme to install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at the Council’s main sites had been based on pay back figures using the Government’s feed-in-tariff. The cut off date before which PV schemes would qualify for income at the current rate had recently changed and, therefore, figures shown at Annex C of the report would need to be revised. In addition, the recommendation relating to the installation of PV systems would be subject to a reassessment of their viability. The Panel was advised that owing to the change and the resulting decrease in the return on investment which was now expected to be around 6.2%, it was still considered to be advantageous to install PV panels up until 31 March 2012, when the return would be further reduced. However, it might be necessary to reduce the number of site installations.
In response to questions, the Panel was advised that the Council would be looking at reducing carbon emissions as well as saving energy and the Salix Energy Fund would be utilised in this respect. Research continued to be undertaken in conjunction with the leisure centres and other departments in order to identify the most suitable measures with the shortest payback times. Owing to the fact that the market in PV systems was fluctuating, the Panel recommended that the payback calculations should be updated to reflect current market rates.
The Panel was informed that although the Council would not benefit directly from the Government’s Green Deal, it would, in conjunction with other local authorities, have a part to play in promoting such energy saving schemes to residents and businesses.
that on the understanding that that the payback calculations are updated and further analysis of the viability of the project is undertaken in light of government policy changes, the Cabinet be recommended to
(a) note the good progress that has been made towards the implementation of the Council’s Carbon Management Plan and the positive impact this has had on energy use and energy bills at the Councils main sites;