64 funding for cctv
To receive a report by the Head of Operations outlining options for the future operation of the CCTV service.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
Additional documents:
Noted the estimate of potential income and savings for the CCTV service for 2012/13 and beyond; approved in principle funding for CCTV for 2012/2013, requested a further report on the final contribution levels achieved and approved the proposed draft Service Level Agreement with Town Councils.
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Annex to the Minute Book) outlining a range of options for the future operation of the CCTV service. The report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Panels (Social Well-Being) and (Economic Well-Being) whose comments were relayed to the Cabinet.
In considering the options available, Executive Councillors were advised that Officers have met with local Town Councils to discuss the potential for joint working and funding and have written to the Police Authority, Environment Agency, Luminus and Parish Councils to ask for financial contributions. Although some Town Councils were reluctant to formalise any contribution until it has been determined which cameras they would have responsibility for, agreement in principle to support the CCTV service had been received from some of the Town Councils and a draft Service Level Agreement prepared. In that respect, Executive Councillors recognised the benefits of joint working and the co-location of CCTV to preserve the service.
In noting the significant costs associated with “moth balling” the CCTV system, issues surrounding out-sourcing and reducing CCTV staffing numbers and having requested that the matter be kept under review in the event that more resources become available, the Cabinet
(a) that the estimate of potential income and savings for the CCTV service for 2012/13 and beyond be noted;
(b) that funding for CCTV for 2012/13 as outlined in the report now submitted be approved in principle subject to later consideration of the Council’s budget; and
(c) that the proposed draft Service Level Agreement with Town Councils, appended to the report now submitted, be approved.
To receive a report from the Head of Operations on the CCTV service.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
Additional documents:
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the annex to the Minute Book) the Panel received a report updating Members on the options for the future operation of the CCTV Service.
The Chairman explained that the report had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Social Well-Being) at their meeting earlier in the week and the outcome had been tabled for Members information. He then invited the Panel to comment on the financial implications of the proposals as set out in the report now submitted.
The Head of Operations updated Members on the current budgetary position of the CCTV service and the options which had been explored for generating additional income and savings. Reference was made to the ongoing discussions which were taking place with other local authorities and the options which were being explored for joint working and the future of the service. In so doing, Members noted that there would be significant costs associated with “mothballing” the CCTV system.
In considering the contents of the report, the Panel discussed whether introducing an alternative means of image transmission might reduce the cost of using fibre optic cables to transmit images from CCTV cameras to the control room. However Members were informed that owing to the costs that would be incurred, it would not be possible to make such a change until the longer term future of the service had been determined.
The Panel discussed the current position on securing funding from partners to maintain the CCTV Service. Members were informed that discussions were continuing with various bodies. With regard to outsourcing the CCTV function, Members noted that it would take at least 18 months to frame a specification and evaluation criteria and proceed through the European Union procurement process. This could enable a private company to upgrade the CCTV systems and sell services as part of their operation which might the reduce the cost and, therefore, the Council’s contribution to the service.
Having noted that the current proposal would maintain the service and enable the Council to complete its investigations into and negotiations on its future operation and funding, it was
that subject to the Cabinet being able to identify alternative savings to meet the additional cost of funding the service in 2012/13, the recommendations as set out in the report now submitted be endorsed.
To receive a report from the Head of Operations on the CCTV service.
20 Minutes.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
Additional documents:
(Councillor T D Sanderson, Executive Councillor for Healthy and Active Communities and Councillors Mrs B E Boddington, P L E Bucknell, B S Chapman, P G Mitchell and A H Williams were in attendance for consideration of this item).
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the annex to the Minute Book) updating Members on the options for the future of the CCTV service. The Head of Operations, Streetscene Manager and the Executive Councillor for Healthy and Active Communities presented the Panel with information on the service, which included an outline of the budgetary savings achieved to date, the commitments received from Partners and options for changes to the way it operated.
The Panel was acquainted with some of the budgetary implications of the options. Having discussed a number of matters including the costs associated with removing CCTV cameras, the obstacles to utilising redundant cameras as a deterrent and the impact of them on perpetrators of crime, Members expressed concern that there might be an adverse effect on crime prevention. The retrospective use of CCTV footage by the Police to obtain convictions and the proposed terms of the Service Level Agreement with Town Councils were also referred to by Members. Having regard to the latter, the Panel suggested that a year’s notice period should be specified for the termination of the Agreement.
Members concluded that the current proposal should be accepted in order to preserve the service in the short term but that any additional funding obtained over that already identified within the report should be utilised to extend the service’s proactive role.
that the Cabinet be recommended to
a) note the estimate of potential income and savings for the CCTV service for 2012/13 and beyond;
b) approve funding for CCTV for 2012/13 in principle on the basis that contributions from Partners would be forthcoming and staff reductions made to reduce the overall financial burden on the Council to £164k, excluding external re-charges;
c) approve the draft SLA with Town Councils appended to the report now submitted, and
d) that subject to the Cabinet being able to identify alternative savings to meet the additional cost of funding the CCTV service in 2012/13, the recommendations as set out in the report now submitted be endorsed by the Panel;
e) use any additional funding obtained above that already identified within the report to enhance the service’s proactive role.