113 Safety Advisory Group PDF 54 KB
To consider the report of the Safety Advisory Group meeting held on 7th March 2012.
Contact: Mrs A Jerrom 388009
noted a report of the Safety Advisory Group held on 7th March 2012 and received assurances that measures were being taken to appoint a responsible person for fire and to produce a comprehensive Fire Evacuation Plan and Policy.
In receiving a report of the Safety Advisory Group held on 7th March 2012, Members’ attention was drawn to a number of issues that had arisen as a result of two fire evacuations at Pathfinder House in January and February 2012. Having received assurances from the Managing Director (Communities, Partnerships & Projects) that measures have been put in place to appoint a Responsible Person for Fire and to produce a comprehensive Fire Evacuation Plan and Policy, the Cabinet
that the contents of the report of the Safety Advisory Group be