79 Round Rescheduling PDF 37 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Operations outlining the round rescheduling for the refuse, recycling and garden waste collection services which will be implemented in February 2013.
Contact: B Gordan 388720
Additional documents:
Noted progress to deliver effective refuse, recycling and garden waste collection rounds and the content of a communications plan for the efficiency measures.
By way of a report by the Operations Manager (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were updated on progress to deliver effective refuse, recycling and garden waste collection rounds. Members were advised that since the last major re-scheduling of waste collection in 2007, the rounds have changed significantly due to changes in recycling collections and tipping points and a growth in housing.
In considering the information contained in the report Executive Councillors were advised that it appeared unlikely that the rounds could be reduced as previously thought due to housing growth in the District. However, it was hoped that more efficient fuel savings will be achieved once the new rounds were implemented in February 2013.
Having considered the contents of a communications plan for the efficiency measures, the Cabinet
that the contents of the report be noted.
59 Waste Collection Round Optimisation PDF 36 KB
To consider a report by the Head of Operations on the round rescheduling for the refuse, recycling and garden waste collection services.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
(Councillor D M Tysoe, Executive Councillor for Environment, was in attendance for consideration of this item).
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) providing an update on the rescheduling of the current waste collection rounds, which were last reviewed in 2007. By way of background, the Executive Councillor for Environment advised that any changes arising from the review were due to be implemented by the Council in February 2013.
Whilst it had been anticipated that the review might result in the loss of one waste collection round, having taken into account property growth levels within the District, this was not likely to be possible as it would mean reinstating this round at a later date. With this in mind, the purpose of the review, therefore, would be to make the service more effective and efficient, whilst providing an opportunity for the Council to reiterate some of its key waste and recycling messages to the residents of Huntingdonshire. One of the main savings expected from the review was that produced by reduced fuel consumption, which would provide a further environmental benefit for the Council.
Owing to problems with the software employed during the round rescheduling process, the revised rounds were now scheduled to go live on 25th February 2013. It was reported that all Members would receive an information pack outlining the changes prior to any publicity being undertaken on the new rounds. The Panel welcomed the Communications Plan which had been developed to publicise the changes, in particular those aspects of it relating to educating residents on what materials could and could not be recycled through their blue bins.
that the content of the report now submitted be noted.