89 Allocation of Council Tax Subsidy Grant PDF 65 KB
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Financial Services to consider a basis for allocating grants to Parish and Town Councils (Local Councils) to offset the Government’s changes to Council Tax Benefits.
Contact: S Couper 388103
Approved a grant allocation to Town and Parish Councils to compensate for the changes in income as a result of the Government’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme.
Further to Minute No. 12/17, the Cabinet received a report by the Head of Financial Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which drew attention to the implications for Parish and Town Council precepts of the Government’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme.
Executive Councillors were advised that changes to funding to help eligible households with Council Tax payments will affect the setting of the parish and town council precepts for 2013/2014. However, they felt that the impact of the changes on income could be compensated for by each local council being given a share of the District Council’s Council Tax Subsidy Grant. Having considered the options suggested in the report and in stressing that they could not guarantee that a similar grant would be given in future years, the Cabinet
that the grant allocation to Town and Parish Councils appended to the report now submitted be approved.