Report of the meeting to be held on 14th February 2013 to follow.
Additional documents:
Councillor J D Ablewhite, Executive Leader and Chairman of the Cabinet presented the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 24th January and 14th February 2013.
In connection with Item No. 58, it was noted that the recommendations had been considered previously under Minute No. 64.
In connection with Item No. 59, it was noted that the recommendations had been considered previously under Minute No. 64.
In connection with Item No. 60 and in response to questions and comments from Councillors K J Churchill, D B Dew, P J Downes, R S Farrer, Mrs P J Longford and P D Reeve, Councillor Ablewhite, with the assistance of the Executive Councillor for Planning and Housing Strategy, Councillor N J Guyatt, explained that the sudden shortfall in funding towards a new footbridge at St Neots Railway Station had largely resulted because of delays to the design of the original scheme which, over time, had led to variations in the BCIS index and a reduction in the funding available from the project’s Section 106 Agreement. As, in his view, it was essential that the project should proceed, the Cabinet had recommended that the shortfall be met from existing budgets. Subsequent negotiations with Cambridgeshire County Council had suggested that potentially this sum could be reduced significantly.
Further to the suggestion that the developers had appeared to be avoiding their responsibilities in this respect, Councillor Ablewhite indicated that without this contribution the Section 106 Agreement might be jeopardised.
As an urgent item of business, Councillor Ablewhite reported to Council that the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being) had been consulted and had given permission for the matter to be considered by the Cabinet. Given the benefits to local residents of the proposed scheme and the positive contribution it would make to link the St Neots expansion area with the town centre, Councillor Ablewhite moved and it was duly seconded and
that a capital contribution of up to £316,069 towards the St Neots Railway Station footbridge project funded by way of a transfer of £290,000 from the capital provision for town centre developments and £26,000 from the Planning Services revenue budget be approved.
[In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.5, Councillors K J Churchill and R S Farrer requested that their decision to vote for the Motion be recorded in the Minutes.]
Whereupon, it was further
that, subject to the foregoing paragraphs, the Report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 24th January and 14th February 2013 be received and adopted.
In accordance with Section 100B (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985), the Chairman has agreed to the inclusion of this item on the Agenda as a matter of urgency to ensure the contract for the provision of the footbridge at St Neots Railway Station can proceed.
To receive a report from the Head of Planning and Housing Strategy seeking approval of a capital contribution towards the costs of a footbridge at St Neots Railway Station.
Contact: S Ingram 388400
Recommended to Council that a capital contribution of £316,069 towards the St Neots Rail Footbridge project be approved to be funded by way of a transfer of £290,000 from the capital provision for Town Centre Developments and £26,000 from the Planning Services revenue budget.
(The Chairman announced that he proposed to admit the following urgent item in accordance with Section 100B (3) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 given the need to ensure the contract for the provision of the footbridge at St Neots Railway Station can proceed)
By way of a report by the Head of Planning and Housing Strategy (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet were acquainted with the background to a request for a capital contribution towards the costs of a new footbridge at St Neots Railway Station.
Members were advised that the proposed footbridge was a critical element of the new infrastructure for St Neots, providing an important link for pedestrians and cyclists travelling between the St Neots Expansion area, the railway station and the rest of the town. It was reported that a renegotiation of the BCIS index had resulted in a reduction in the Section 106 funding and the cost of the original project, initiated in 2005/06 had increased. In order for the project to proceed any additional funding would need to be financed by the District Council as the contributions from the County Council and the developer, Network Rail, were fixed. Given that no specific schemes have been identified to proceed from the Town Centre Developments capital provision of £290,000 and a number of efficiencies have been identified in the 2013/14 revenue budget for Planning Services, the Cabinet
that the Council approves a capital contribution of £316,069 towards the St Neots Rail Footbridge project to be funded by way of a transfer of £290,000 from the capital provision for Town Centre Developments and £26,000 from the Planning Services revenue budget.