40 Joint materials recycling facility procurement Invitation to tender PDF 37 KB
To receive a report from the Head of Operations on the Materials Recycling Facility Joint Procurement.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
Authorised the Head of Operations, after consultation with the Executive Member for the Environment, to approve the Invitation to Tender document for the joint procurement of a Materials Recovery Facility service and requested additional information in the meantime on the risks involved.
Further to Minute No. 13/34, the Cabinet received a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) on the joint procurement of a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) service for the bulking, sorting and onwards processing/sale of recyclable materials.
In considering the information in the report, Executive Councillors were reminded of their previous request for the final Invitation to Tender (ITT) document to be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) prior to final approval being given by the Cabinet. Members were advised that the ITT had yet to be released and there would not be sufficient time for the Panel and the Cabinet to comment on the final draft. It was reported that Members would have an opportunity to review the tenders once they had been received and that the Council’s Section 151 Officer would be actively involved in the procurement process.
Executive Councillors discussed the risk associated with the contract and expressed their dissatisfaction that a risk/sensitivity analysis had not been completed. Having also requested further clarification over the financial implications for the Council of introducing the new arrangements, the Cabinet
that the approval of the Invitation to Tender document for the procurement of the Materials Recycling Facility contract, be delegated to the Head of Operations, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Environment.
To receive a report from the Head of Operations on the Materials Recycling Facility Joint Procurement.
Contact: E Kendall 388635
(Councillor D M Tysoe, Executive Councillor for Environment, was in attendance for this item).
Pursuant to Minute No 13/27, the Panel gave consideration to a report by the Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which provided further information on the joint procurement of a Materials Recycling Facility service for the bulking, sorting and onwards processing/sale of recyclable materials. In introducing the report, the Head of Operations reported that at its September 2013 meeting, the Executive had requested that the final Invitation to Tender (ITT) document was considered by the Panel prior to final approval being sought from the Cabinet. Having explained that there would not be sufficient time for the Panel and the Cabinet to comment on the final draft ITT and that the Council’s Section 151 Officer would be actively involved in the procurement process, the Panel reiterated its previous recommendation that the decision on the ITT should be delegated to the Head of Operations following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment.
In noting that Members would have an opportunity to review the tenders once they had been received and following receipt of confirmation that a single price would be paid to all authorities, the Panel
that the Cabinet be recommended to delegate the decision on the Invitation to Tender to the Head of Operations following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment.