To receive a report from the Planning Services Manager (Policy) proposing the adoption of a Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire.
A copy of the Strategy has been circulated around to Cabinet Members only.
Contact: P Bland 388430
Additional documents:
Approved the contents of the Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire, subject to any minor amendments being agreed by the Head of Development after consultation with the Executive Councillors for Strategic Planning & Housing and for Operations & Environment; and authorised the Corporate Director (Delivery) to proceed with the implementation of the Action Plan 2015-2020.
(Councillor J W Davies, Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Environmental Well-Being) was in attendance and spoke on this item.)
Consideration was given to a report by the Arboricultural Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) to which was attached a draft copy of a Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire which had been produced to define the Council’s approach to tree care management, risk management and statutory planning requirements, and through a five year action plan would determine the direction of the Council’s tree related management and projects.
In so doing, Members were advised that the Strategy had been developed in consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Social Well-Being) Consultation Processes Working Group and reflected the Council’s vision outlined in the Corporate Plan. Having agreed that the document be made available electronically and that officers engage with Parish Councils to promote its content and the appointment of Tree Officers, the Cabinet
(a) that the content of the Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire be approved, subject to any minor amendments being agreed by the Head of Development after consultation with the Executive Councillors for Planning & Housing Strategy and for Operations & Environment; and
(b) that the Corporate Director (Delivery) be authorised to proceed with the implementation of the Action Plan 2015-2020.
To receive a report from the Arboricultural Officer proposing the adoption of a Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire.
A copy of the Strategy has been circulated around to Panel Members only.
Contact: B Ogden / P Bland 388437 / 388430
Additional documents:
(Councillors D B Dew and D M Tysoe, Executive Members for Strategic Planning and Housing and Operations and for Environment respectively, were in attendance for this item).
With the aid of a report by the Arboricultural Officer (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Panel gave consideration to the content of the draft Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire. The Strategy sought to provide a framework for the protection, maintenance and enhancement of trees within the District. It had been subject to prior review by the Panel’s Tree Strategy Working Group. The Working Group was satisfied with the contents of the Strategy and had commended Officers on the production of the document.
The Panel was informed that the Strategy was intended for use as an electronic resource for interested stakeholders. Members welcomed the inclusion of associated policies and guidance notes on tree care, in particular the note on trees and development. All of the attachments had been compiled in accordance with national best practice and Government guidance.
In response to a comment by a Member that he sometimes experienced problems verifying the ownership of trees on public land, the Arboricultural Officer advised that the Action Plan included the production of a map of the Council’s tree stock on a computerised tree management system. The Panel suggested that a mechanism should be introduced through which responsibility for trees which were perceived as being on land in public ownership could be identified.
The Panel drew attention to the importance of the Local Tree Warden Coordinators. Given the value of their work, it was further suggested that it could be beneficial to promote their role to establish a Warden in every Parish. Members then discussed the level of resources required to deliver the Strategy and concluded that the Council should increase the budget when resources allowed. It was recognised that the Strategy had an important role in reducing the risk to the Council in terms of claims made against the authority and consequently in reducing the Council’s future insurance costs.
Having endorsed the content of the Strategy, the view was expressed that the commercial opportunities that the Strategy presented should be explored. Whereupon, it was
(a) that subject to the comments outlined above, the content of the Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire be endorsed;
(b) that the Cabinet be recommended to adopt the Tree Strategy for Huntingdonshire, subject to any minor amendments being agreed between the Head of Development and the relevant Executive Members; and
(c) that the Cabinet be recommended to authorise the Corporate Director (Delivery) to proceed with the implementation of the Action Plan 2015-2020.