To receive a report from the Head of Development.
Contact: A Moffatt 388400
supported the development of a business case for a shared Local Authority Building Control Service with South Cambridgeshire District; agreed to include a viability assessment of the IT solution developed by South Norfolk District Council in the business case; authorised the Head of Development to work with interested local authorities from Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire to develop a proposal for a Local Authority Building Control cluster to operate within a regional network supported by South Norfolk District Council and to work with South Norfolk District Council and other interested local authorities to develop a proposal for an Eastern Region Approved Inspector Company, that will interact with the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Local Authority Building Control cluster.
With the assistance of a report by the Head of Development (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet was acquainted with a suggested approach for the development of a shared Local Authority Building Control Service between Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire District Councils. The report had been considered also by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economic Well-Being) whose comments were relayed to the Cabinet.
In discussing the contents of the report, Executive Councillors stressed the importance of becoming more “business like” and efficient in the way the authority delivers its services. Whereupon, it was
(a) that the development of a business case for a shared Local Authority Building Control Service with South Cambridgeshire District Council be supported;
(b) that a viability assessment of the IT solution developed by South Norfolk District Council be included in the business case;
(c) that the Head of Development be authorised to work with interested local authorities from Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire to develop a proposal for a Local Authority Building Control cluster to operate within a regional network supported by South Norfolk District Council; and
(d) that the Head of Development be authorised to work with South Norfolk District Council and other interested local authorities to develop a proposal for an Eastern Region Approved Inspector Company, that will interact with the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Local Authority Building Control cluster.
To receive a report from the Head of Development.
Contact: A Moffat 388400
(Councillor D B Dew, Executive Member for Strategic Planning and Housing, was in attendance for this item).
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Development (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking approval to develop a business case for a shared Local Authority Building Control Service between Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire District Councils, including the use of the South Norfolk mobile working solution and to work towards an Eastern Region Building Control partnership arrangement. The proposals sought to maximise the potential to generate income, increase resilience and drive competitiveness. It was also expected that they would enhance the customer experience, create efficiencies by maximising other shared infrastructure and IT and maximise staff development opportunities.
The Head of Development reported on the establishment of a Project Team and Project Board with relevant individuals from both authorities. In response to questions, the Panel was assured that staff were being engaged with from the outset and that career and development opportunities would emerge. In response to Members’ concerns that the shared service might result in local knowledge and expertise being lost, it was reported that local teams would be established, which would prevent this from happening.
The Panel agreed that the Council should explore all four options for developing the shared service and was of the view that business cases should be developed as soon as possible. Given that the Building Control Service was in direct competition with the private sector, the Panel encouraged the Cabinet to give priority to completing the investigations into Options C and D as a matter of urgency.
that subject to the comments outlined above, the Cabinet be recommended to
(a) approve Option 1: To develop a business case for a shared Local Authority Building Control Service with South Cambridgeshire District Council;
(b) approve Option 2: For the business case to include a viability assessment of the IT solution developed by South Norfolk District Council;
(c) approve Option 3: To work with South Norfolk District Council and other interested local authorities local authorities to develop a proposal for an Eastern Region Approved Inspector Company, that will interact with the Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Local Authority Building Control cluster.