To consider a report by the Head of Customer Services on the procurement of a new software system for the Home-Link scheme and Housing Advice and Options Service.
Contact: J Taylor 388119
The Head of Customer Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Customer Services, be authorised to accept the successful tender and sign the contract with the software provider.
If a new supplier is the successful bidder additional capital implementation costs in the region of £30,000 are likely to be incurred in which case options will be explored to fund this necessary expenditure.
The Cabinet gave consideration to a report (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) regarding the procurement of a new software system for the Home-Link Scheme.
It was explained that the current Housing Need Team’s IT system was due for renewal and the Home-Link Partnership has begun a joint tendering exercise with the four district authorities in Cambridgeshire plus Cambridge City Council as well as two authorities in West Suffolk.
The current contract has previously been extended and the Partnership now wished to test the market to explore other potential options. If following the procurement exercise a new supplier was the preferred bidder additional costs were expected to be incurred. There would be no additional costs if there was no change to the supplier.
In response to questions the Executive Member explained that the software system was a web-based system and an annual licence fee was payable. The new contract will be for a 7 year period and there will not be a break in service between the expiry of the existing contract, which was due to end in April 2016, and commencement of the new contract.
That the Cabinet authorise the Head of Customer Services, after consultation with the Executive Councillor for Customer Services, to accept the successful tender and sign the contract with the software provider.
If a new supplier is the successful bidder additional capital implementation costs in the region of £30,000 are likely to be incurred, in which case options will be explored to fund this necessary expenditure.
At the conclusion of the above item, at 7.41pm, Cllr Cawley entered the meeting.
To consider a report by the Head of Customer Services seeking authorisation to procure a new software system for the Home-Link scheme and Housing Advice and Options service.
Contact: J Taylor 388119
Consideration was given to a report by the Head of Customer Services (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) seeking authorisation to proceed with the procurement of a new software system for the Home-Link scheme and Housing Advice and Options service. Members noted there was no option but to procure a new system and the revenue and capital costs associated with it. Having expressed support for the recommendations contained in the report, it was decided that the Panel should carry out further work on the associated costs and savings.
that the Cabinet be recommended to approve the recommendations contained in the report now submitted.