To consider a report by the Interim Head of Service (Operations) regarding a policy for the staging of events in the Council’s parks and open spaces including a schedule of fees and charges.
Contact: A Merrick 388635
Additional documents:
Approves the Events Policy for Parks and Open Spaces and the introduction of fees and charges for events from 1st April 2016, subject to:
i. That local non-commercial, charitable and community organisations are exempt from the charging scheme; and
ii. Finalised wording of the Policy be delegated to the Interim Head of Service (Operations) in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Operations and the Environment.
By way of a report from the Interim Head of Service (Operations), presented in his absence by Corporate Director (Services) (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Cabinet considered the Policy for events in the Council’s parks and open spaces and the introduction of fees and charges.
There was a requirement for an appropriate policy framework that established clear guidelines for the consideration of applications and the staging of events, to provide greater control and to deliver objectives within the Corporate Plan.
The Cabinet were informed that previously events in Council parks and open spaces were agreed outside of any policy framework, with no coherent structure of fees and charges to ensure the Council recovered the costs incurred with accommodating the events.
When an application was submitted the Cabinet agreed that it was important for the Operations Team and Licensing Team to work in partnership so that the applicant received a seamless service.
Whilst discussing the schedule of charges and deposits the Cabinet noted that there should be some flexibility in the fees and deposits as there should be a balance between financial protection for the Council, so that it did not forfeit clean-up costs after an event, and not being a deterrent to groups of volunteers. Therefore, the Cabinet agreed that local non-commercial, charitable and community organisations should be exempt from the charging scheme and that the finalised wording of the Policy be delegated to the Interim Head of Service (Operations) in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Operations and the Environment.
Having been invited to address the Cabinet, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Growth) stated that the Panel were pleased that the Policy had been updated to incorporate the comments made at the meeting. The Panel were disappointed that an event would not be allowed if balloons were to be released. However, the Panel accepted that this was for environmental reasons.
Whereupon the Cabinet,
to approve the Events Policy for Parks and Open Spaces and the introduction of fees and charges for events from 1st April 2016, subject to:
i. that local non-commercial, charitable and community organisations are exempt from the charging scheme; and
ii. the finalised wording of the Policy be delegated to the Interim Head of Service (Operations) in consultation with the Executive Councillor for Operations and the Environment.
The Events Policy for Parks and Open Spaces is to be presented to the Panel.
Contact: A Merrick 388635
With the aid of a report by the Interim Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Events Policy for Parks and Open Spaces was presented to the Panel. Members were informed that the Policy sets out a framework for the consideration, programming and operation for a variety of events in Council-owned parks and open space.
The Policy highlights the five types of events that could be staged in the Council’s parks and open spaces, which are:
· events by registered charities;
· events organised by voluntary groups or organisations;
· commercial events;
· events and activities that enhance the environment; and
· civic events.
Furthermore the Policy has a proposed schedule of charges, however discretion has been given to the Executive Councillor for Operations and the Environment to ensure that Charities, Voluntary Groups, Town and Parish Council are not disadvantaged by the Policy.
Members were reminded that currently the Council only has one charge which is £243 per day for fun fayres. The Panel were informed that when the fayres arrive on site early and are not operational the showmen do not want to pay the charge for the non-operational days.
In response to a concern regarding prohibited groups, the Panel has been advised that it is not possible to have a complete exhaustive list of prohibited groups and that the Policy outlines the criteria for prohibited events to which an event could be measured against.
Following a suggestion from a Member that the Council could only charge the fayre half the amount for each day the site was occupied but the fayre was not operational, the Panel was advised that the Council needs to have a clear charge and it was hoped that with the policy the Council is able to have a meaningful conversation with the Showman’s Guild.
After a question in regards to events taking place upon the highway Members were informed that there is an Events Advisory Safety Group. Attendence at the group is not mandatory however event organisers are encouraged to attend so that they could receive feedback from the Police.
Members have indicated they would like to see two sets of commercial fees to distinguish between local businesses and larger nationwide businesses. In addition the Panel have requested a distinction to be made between national and local charities, as a local charity does not have the resources available similar to a national charity.
Concerns were raised that Town and Parish Council events would be treated as commercial events despite the possibility that such events could lose money. In response the Panel was reminded that Town and Parish Councils have the ability to raise a precept to fund events. If the event is raising money for a charity then the Executive Councillor would discuss the matter with the Town/Parish Council.
The Panel wanted to place on record that they would like: more clarity to be given on Town and Parish Councils holding events; the policy to distinguish between large commercial organisations and local ... view the full minutes text for item 17