To consider and endorse the schedule of development projects for green spaces as the future strategic direction for the development of and as the guide for future planning decisions regarding green spaces provision.
Contact: A Merrick 388635
Endorses the schedule of development projects for green spaces, as contained in Appendix 1 of the report, as the future strategic direction for the development of green spaces and as the guide for future planning decisions regarding green spaces provision.
The Cabinet received a report by the Interim Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) which contained a consolidation of the needs analysis work of green space and play provision overseen by the Overview and Scrutiny (Communities and Environment) Panel and provided a schedule of prioritised development projects for the future strategic direction of all green space in Huntingdonshire.
Although the Council had adopted an Open Spaces Strategy in 2011 it did not include prioritised development projects for green space and play provision taking into account provision against the Council’s adopted benchmarks for providing open space.
The consequence being that some planning applications for housing developments within the District had included green space provision outside of a robust strategic framework and therefore not all of the green spaces development had materially improved provision against areas of deficiency; the adoption of green space outside of a robust strategic framework had not ensured the long term financial commitments for the Council and also for Town and Parish Councils was aligned to clearly established priorities and Medium Term Financial Strategies of each organisation; and substantial Section106 contributions remained unspent.
During the needs analysis of current provision of green space and play provision Town and Parish Councils had been consulted to agree the development priorities. The Cabinet expressed appreciation to the Town and Parish Councils for their involvement as it was essential to gain a local perspective.
It was noted to the Cabinet that the development priorities identified within the Appendix to the report would be progressed from the £603,000 of uncommitted Section 106 contributions for green space and play provision. The Cabinet commended the Interim Head of Operations for identifying projects that would be funded via Section 106 contributions.
Having received a response to a question where it was confirmed that once a project had been completed it would be the responsibility of the relevant Town or Parish Council to maintain the area of green space or play provision, the Cabinet,
to endorse the schedule of development projects for green spaces, as contained in Appendix 1 of the report, as the future strategic direction for the development of green spaces and as the guide for future planning decisions regarding green spaces provision.
The Panel is to receive a report on Needs Analysis of Green Space and Play Provision – Development Priorities.
Contact: A Merrick 388635
With the aid of a report by the Interim Head of Operations (a copy of which is appended in the Minute Book) the Needs Analysis of Green Space and Play Provision – Development Priorities was presented to the Panel. The Executive Councillor for Environment, Street Scene and Operations introduced the new Head of Operations, Neil Sloper, to Members.
The Interim Head of Operations thanked the staff of Operations for all their hard work and commented that the progress has been down to them.
Members noted that the report brings together all the previous Needs Analysis reports. The report has prioritised projects so that the £603k of Section 106 can be targeted and spent on those projects.
An explanation was given in regards to short term, medium term and long term priorities. An update report would be given in next year (September 2017) which would state the progress of the short term projects. The Panel were informed that medium term projects relates to known housing developments and long term projects relates to villages where there is no known developments.
The Panel was explained the difference between Section 106 (S106) money and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money. S106 goes back to historical planning agreements and is prescriptive. There is £603k of S106 ready to come forward. CIL is more generic and will compete with other demands such as education. As CIL money will be harder to allocate to green spaces it is important that priorities are identified.
A discussion ensued regarding allotments and Members were informed that the provision varies throughout the District however interest in them has been raised by health eating. The responsibility for allotments is the Parishes’. The Panel,
to review the status of the short term projects in September 2017.
(At 7.53pm, during the consideration of this item, Councillor J M Palmer left the meeting.)